What are good books and blogs for learning copywriting?

A lot of people will say that copywriting, especially in the Internet age, is a skill that you have to develop. It’s not something that you can quickly study and learn overnight. It’s something you master through years of experience.

I agree. Today, marketing has such a strong digital focus that learning and honing your copywriting skills is a great advantage in terms of attracting, engaging, and converting customers. For anyone looking to polish their current skill set, here’s a list of books and blogs that have helped me develop mine:

1. Robert W. Bly’s The Copywriter’s Handbook: A Step by Step Guide to Writing Copy That Sells

Copywriters must never forget the fact that the main objective of their work is to sell. To achieve that, anything you develop has to be persuasive, interesting, meaningful, and relevant. Bly’s take on how to write to convince is anchored on today’s common marketing tools and offers comprehensive tips on making sure your copy is readable.

2. Joseph Sugarman’s The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America’s Top Copywriters

Before the world turned to the Internet for its marketing needs, let us not forget that marketing was a decades old trade that had its roots in print media. Some of the vanguards of the industry have built experience and credibility anchored on traditional media and transposed their acquired skills to today’s modern platforms. Across every platform, the author demonstrates how copy is still bound by the primary objective of selling—and does so with creativity. This book is a great guide for writing brief, convincing as well as original and snappy copy.

3. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is a longtime favorite of mine. The site combines the value of recognizing content marketing as a powerful marketing tool with tips, advice, and guidelines on how to create great online content. The site itself is a testament to its effectiveness. Copyblogger started as a simple blog, run by founder, Brian Clark. Today, the site is recognized as one of the most prominent content marketing references, offering comprehensive industry content, essential copywriting tips, and key products and services.

4. Susan Gunelius’ Kickass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps: Build the Buzz and Sell the Sizzle

Susan Gunelius breaks down the copywriting process into a step by step process that you can easily follow. It’s a favorite among small business owners because it helps contextualize the importance of powerful writing. This allows even the most inexperienced copywriter to grasp the relevance of powerful copy for their business. In addition, she uses a lot of relatable, real-world examples.

There you have it. Hope this list helps you improve and develop your own copywriting skills the way it helped mine. As always, I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about how copywriting can boost your business. Simply get in touch with me at Leadspanda and I’ll get back to you personally.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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