How can I increase click rate in email marketing?

A lot of marketers think that boosting click rates in email marketing is anchored on some secret formula. However, I’ll let you in on some critical insider insight—it’s all about following the best practices.

Remember, click through rates show you not just how many people are opening your emails, but how many people are engaging with your content and taking positive action on your call-to-action (CTA).

If you think that your click-through has room for improvement, check out the below tips I’ve tried in my years in this business that have actually delivered results.

1. Identify specific goals for each email campaign

Sending out an email to your customer base is a strategic marketing move. It’s a way to communicate and engage your audience—so it only makes sense that each email sent is grounded on a solid objective that you’re working towards. Are you trying to drive more traffic to your website? Are you trying to increase signups for your newsletter? Are you getting your readers to participate in a survey? Be clear about your intentions and this will ensure that you are able to communicate in the best way possible to your audience.

2. Make sure your email’s messaging is aligned with your goals

When crafting your email content, make sure that everything about it—from the copy to the visuals—are aligned with the goal you’re trying to reach. Keep your elements focused so that your audience takes the actual action that you intend for them to take.

3. Inspire your readers to take action

To spur your readers to act on your CTA, you need to offer something relevant and of value to them. For example, if you want them to subscribe to your newsletter, what would they get out of it? Will they get up to date information on key topics? If you want them to complete a purchase, offering a discount might help convince them to finalize that sale.

4. Be sure to test your emailers

Make it easy for your readers to take action. Send your email to multiple devices—your smartphone, desktop, and tablet—and make sure that everything loads and formats perfectly, regardless of what device is used. Fonts should be legible and easy to read. Links should work and be easily clickable. Also, make sure your images are loading properly.

5. Focus on the bare essentials

You have very limited time to make your pitch, convince your readers to engage, and take positive action on your CTA. You don’t want to confuse them with long-winded explanations on large walls of text. Focus on taking a super simple approach so readers can easily absorb and understand what you’re saying.

There you have it. Give these tips a try and let me know how well they work for you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at Leadspanda and we can discuss this further.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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