What’s the secret to great content marketing?

In my years in content marketing, I’ve been asked this question over and over again. I wish I could give you one, single definitive answer. But here’s the truth—there really is no secret to great content marketing. Effective content marketing involves multiple elements working simultaneously so you can achieve your goals. There’s not a single approach that you can focus on—otherwise, you’ll end up neglecting other aspects that are equally effective and important.

That said, I would like to map out a few pointers that will move you towards the right direction.

1. Prioritize your mobile strategy

When mobile devices first boomed, content marketing was so focused on making sure that all their online efforts could easily be adapted and viewed on mobile devices. Recent studies,  however, show that mobile accounts for nearly 80 percent of Internet usage in 2018 alone—a statistic that’s poised to jump up as the year progresses.

With that in mind, mobile content marketing strategies should definitely be more than an afterthought; it should be a priority. Make sure that your site is perfectly optimized for a seamless mobile experience.

2. Push for more creative content—and make it personal

Content options have evolved in recent years. Marketers were once limited to straightforward text and visual content, such as blog posts and infographics, or even videos. Today, however, social media platforms allow you to create raw content that boosts better engagement among your users. Facebook and Instagram, for example, offer live streaming on their platforms that gives personalized and exclusive access to brands and companies that they love and support. Make the most out of it.

3. Be flexible—there are a lot more platforms that are set to change the game

Content marketers are not simply limited to their websites and social media platforms. While it takes a lot of time and effort to master and make the most out of these marketing avenues, you have to be flexible enough to explore other potential channels for content marketing.

For example, the arrival of chatbots has proven to be very useful and successful for customer service, which can be incorporated into a content marketing journey as a key touchpoint to improve customer engagement. There are definitely more technologies and innovations coming our way in 2019. Watch out for them and learn how they can be useful for your content marketing strategy.

4. Don’t neglect your tried and tested methods

Just because there’s an expected influx of new platforms, trends, strategies, and techniques doesn’t mean traditional and reliable methods of content marketing should be forgotten. There’s a reason why these methods remain one of the most dependable tools in a content marketer’s arsenal—they work. What I suggest is to find novel ways of approaching it.

For example, if you’ve been sending regular emailers to your customers—keep at it. However, make sure to improve your approach. Maybe make it more interactive if you can, or add more engaging media into your emailers. You can also try approaching it in a more personalized manner.

All these work together to create a more engaging and cohesive content marketing approach that guarantees success. Give it a try and see how well it works for you. If you’d like to know more, please feel free to reach out to me at Leadspanda.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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