6 Reasons Why Your Facebook Fan Base Is Not Growing

Is your Facebook fan page not growing at a pace you expected? Are you looking at ways to engage more people with your fan page? Then read on.

Facebook is an excellent place to connect with your audience, spread the good word about your business, and drive traffic to your blog, website or career pages. Creating a community of fans and brand champions on Facebook is not an easy task, It requires sustainable efforts and time.  If your page is struggling to stay relevant, here may be some of the reasons why.

#1. Inactivity.

In a perfect world, your fans would come to you. However, if you are reading this, that hasn’t happened yet. If you post too little, there is a chance that your audience might forget about you. This is the last thing you want, and regular posts will ensure high visibility. To stay ahead in your Facebook activity you should create a content calendar and schedule posts in advance.

#2. Not Understanding Your Audience.

Staying relevant to a growing and diverse audience can be tough. It can be hard to please everyone, and even if you succeed in pleasing the majority, some may lose interest in you. Knowing your targeted audience is important when marketing your page on Facebook. If you fail on this one, you will have a hard time achieving a higher level of engagement with your audience.

#3. Boring Content.

Being dull and boring is a great way to be ignored by your audience, which is the opposite of what you are aiming for. You would want to post content which will be shared by your fans, and will increase your like count.

Some successful pages share funny anecdotes, memes, or videos to entertain their audience, others share product catalogs, inspiration quotes and quizzes. You will need to experiment with different kinds of post types from videos and photos to links and status updates. Once you have determined what ticks your audience, create and share more of that content.

#4. Lack Of Promotion.

Your audience is not likely to discover your page on their own, so doing nothing is a terrible strategy. If you are trying to build a following for your fan page, then getting the word out by utilizing your existing channels is the best thing to do. Involve your customers and employees and utilize your website/blogs to promote your fan page.

Facebook Like Box is one of the largest sources of likes for the Page.  If your website/blog generates good traffic you can let your visitors know about your Facebook presence by easily utilizing Facebook social plugins.

#5. Not Being Responsive To Your Audience.

Just because you have developed a following on Facebook doesn’t mean things will always be this way. Posting something to be an active discussion will help get an audience’s attention, but that may fizzle out without your intervention. Say you are running an ice cream shop. Asking your audience what their favourite flavour of ice cream is, would be an excellent way to get a conversation started. Your followers may chime in, but without your interaction, they may lose interest and be turned off by your product.

#6. Posting At The Wrong Times.

Posting content when your audience isn’t online will yield fewer results and might as well be a waste of time. If no one is online to see your post, it will likely get lost in the shuffle of the many status updates.  For e.g. people tend to spend more time on Facebook during weekends and off hours. Therefore, it would be an excellent time to post updates during these lucrative moments.

To determine best time for your business and industry, You need to experiment with different times and track when people are interacting most with your content.

Now it’s your turn, what are some of the things which has worked for your fan page? How are you engaging your audience? Or are you struggling with it? Share your thoughts or your questions in the comment box below.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.


  1. leo July 16, 2013 at 1:57 pm - Reply

    thanks for sharing this content. I am going to look at my company fan page and see how to implement some of these.

    • Prafull July 16, 2013 at 4:14 pm - Reply

      Thanks Leo, let me know how it works out for you. :)

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