How to Recruit with Facebook?

Facebook, with over 1-billion potential candidates and candidate’s friend network as potential referrals, is a goldmine of untapped recruiting opportunities.

Facebook is a great way to start building a talent community of candidates who are interested in working with your company. In this infographic we’ll tell you why Facebook recruiting is important and what you can do to build a great community and start recruiting with Facebook.

Facebook Recruiting
This infographic was originaly published on Mashable.

Facts and Stats to tweet –
  1. 85% of internet users have Facebook accounts. +tweet this
  2. 74% of internet users use Facebook daily. +tweet this
  3. 57% of internet users have more than 100 friends on Facebook. +tweet this
  4. 58% of Facebook users have liked a brand on Facebook. +tweet this
  5. 42% of people have mentioned a brand in a Facebook status update. +tweet this
  6. 41% of people have shared a link, video, or story about a brand on Facebook. +tweet this
  7. 84% of job seekers have a facebook profile. +tweet this
  8. 48% of all job seekers (63% of those with a profile) have done at least one social job hunting activity on Facebook in the last year.  +tweet this
  9. One in five job seekers added professional information to their Facebook profile in the past year. +tweet this
  10. 16% received a job referral from a Facebook friend. +tweet this
  11. 56% of Facebook-using job seekers are male, 64% are under the age of 40, 36% earn more than $75,000 and 42% are college graduates. +tweet this
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Do you have a social media recruiting success story? Is it as effective as traditional recruiting? Let us know in the comments.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.


  1. […] has over 850 million active users and is quickly becoming has become a must-have tool to increase your visibility among the vast talent pool that is the entire globe!  It is also a […]

  2. […] with over 850+ million users, is the go-to place for recruitment advertising and employer brand-building, but you can’t deny the benefits of being on […]

  3. […] Source: How to Recruit with Facebook […]

  4. […] Facebook Recruiting. We live in the day and age when even social networks can be used for recruitment purposes. And why not? Our personalities and social presence are established on these social media sites anyways. […]

  5. […] if recruiting on Facebook is effective. HireRabbit is going all out to convince you with a gorgeous looking infographic (see below). According to HireRabbit, 84 percent of job seekers have a Facebook profile and 16 […]

  6. […] lot of companys have jumped into social recruiting feast with recruiting on facebook and twitter. But have you included YouTube in your social recruiting […]

  7. […] Facebook Recruiting. We live in the day and age when even social networks can be used for recruitment purposes. And why not? Our personalities and social presence are established on these social media sites anyways. […]

  8. Rekrutacja w social media | Talfit March 15, 2013 at 7:57 am - Reply

    […] w rekrutacji. Czy warto rekrutować przez Facebook? Infografika przygotowana przez firmę HireRabbit przekonuje, że […]

  9. […] Facebook Recruiting. We live in the day and age when even social networks can be used for recruitment purposes. And why not? Our personalities and social presence are established on these social media sites anyways. […]

  10. Eric Ferguson November 14, 2013 at 9:56 pm - Reply

    I really enjoyed your article on using twitter to recruit and now I found this. I look forward to sharing this with other colleagues.

  11. […] Facebook Recruiting. We live in the day and age when even social networks can be used for recruitment purposes. And why not? Our personalities and social presence are established on these social media sites anyways. […]

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