13 Ways Facebook Recruiting Will Benefit Your Company

As what we continuously repeat here on our HireRabbit blog, the use of social media in business ventures is a very special opportunity that every company, whether big or small, should take advantage of.

Oftentimes, when dealing with recruitment responsibilities, the use of social media can prove to be both an efficient and effective measure. Trust us when we say that it’s no coincidence that more and more companies are using Facebook recruiting to their advantage. In this article, we will be giving you 13 reasons as to how Facebook recruiting will prove to be beneficial for your organization.

Are you ready? Let’s get right down to it.

#1. It Helps Your Company Gain More Traffic In Recruitment

Recruiting through Facebook will gain more applicant traffic for your company jobs. Yes, job boards, blogs, and websites are available. But, Facebook possesses an entirely huge bulk of internet users that these other mediums just fail to provide. If done right, You’re bound to have more people come across your recruitment ventures on Facebook than on any other network. From the perspective of a potential recruit, it is always easier to apply to a job posting on Facebook and connect with your business as opposed to other channels. With that in mind, you’re already at a competitive advantage compared to those who aren’t recruiting on Facebook.

#2. It’s A Diverse Recruitment Pool

When you recruit through Facebook, you are taking your recruitment efforts globally. Facebook is the largest and most widely used social media network in the world. When you recruit through this medium, you are given the opportunity to select from a world’s worth of talent to help your business succeed. Traditional recruitment methods can only get you so far. Facebook takes recruitment to a whole new level by giving you the opportunity to fill positions for your specific needs. It works in multiple different hiring scenarios such as Graduate hiring, Diversity Recruiting, Seasonal Hiring, Niche recruiting or filling out a few strategic positions.

#3. It Boosts A Company’s Image To Potential Recruits

When your organization/company engages in Facebook recruitment, it goes to show that your company is flexible and willing to adapt to the calls of time. This is something that your potential recruits will notice and will certainly find attractive in a potential company. This reputation will help your company grow by attracting some of the best and brightest minds to help further your company’s market status.

#4. It Increases Employee Referral Activity

It’s so much easier for your employees to participate in referral activities through Facebook Recruiting. Facebook gives your employees the opportunity to have a synthesized and very systematic way of referring contacts to your company with sharing and messaging features. Your employees can serve as a very special resource especially when you can maximize their networks as well.

#5. It Establishes A More Personal Connection with Job Seekers

When attracting recruits and job seekers through social media, your company is engaging with these people on a much more personal level as opposed to them finding a job recruitment ad on a job board or newspaper clipping. When pressed, these recruits are always more likely to choose the job opportunity with a more personal approach to recruitment.

#6. It Helps Lower Attrition Rates

Usually, when recruiting through Facebook, your company will most likely come across those who are interested in your company as a result of referrals. This is good because it entails that these people are genuinely interested in the jobs and positions that your company can offer them. They are also given a good idea of what it’s like to work in your company, based on the information that they received from the person who referred your company to them. In the end, there is a good chance your company will be hiring people who are good matches for your recruitment needs.

#7. It Increases Brand Awareness

When your company engages in Facebook recruitment, you’re also inadvertently increasing your brand’s presence in your industry. Studies have shown that people will tend to trust brands more when they are socially active on Facebook and other social media sites.

#8. It Helps You Recruit Faster

With the influx of information that is accessible on the web, and the number of users who are constantly online, traditional recruitment cycle barriers can be broken with Facebook recruitment. With traditional job postings you distribute your jobs and wait for candidates to apply for your job openings. On the other hand Facebook ads provides you an opportunity to reach people who can suit your hiring needs, faster than ever before. With Facebook ads, your company can recruit at a better pace by attracting potential recruits effectively .

#9. It Helps You Attract Passive Candidates

Most of the time, the most talented potential recruits aren’t really aggressive in the pursuit of their careers. Facebook recruitment gives you the opportunity to actually come in contact with these passive applicants and tap them to join your organization. Sometimes, the greatest minds are the hardest to find. Fortunately, Facebook has made it easier for us to find them especially with the ad targeting features.

#10. It Helps You Establish Important Networks

If your company is actively recruiting on Facebook, you are not only getting the opportunity to acquire the services of the best possible people to help your company, but you are also building networks and relationships with various individuals. These networks and relationships might prove to be useful and beneficial to your company in the long run.

#11. It Gets You Connected To The Student Community

College students comprise one of the highest demographics in the Facebook Community. This is a perfect opportunity for your company to attract the freshest minds that you can help mold with proper guidance and training in your organization. Most of these students will probably be looking for part-time jobs or internships and engaging with them through Facebook is a great way to get in touch with them.

#12. It’s Cost Effective

Other than Facebook providing you with a seemingly infinite network of potential recruits, it’s not too heavy on the wallet as well. If your company is already active on Facebook, all you need is a small investment in a good Facebook recruiting software, and the optional ad promotions on Facebook. There isn’t really any much financial expenses that your company will have to shell out for Facebook recruitment.

#13. It Enables Anyone To Recruit For You

With Facebook recruitment efforts, you don’t even have to be affiliated to a company to recruit for them. Many a people who don’t even work for your company have the opportunity to share your Facebook recruitment posts with their friends and contacts if they find your post interesting or suitable for those who are in their social circle. This is free networking and advertisement for your company, and you might not even have known about it.

When you look at the bigger picture of things, Facebook Recruiting can bring so many benefits to your organization that transcend traditional recruitment parameters. Engaging in Facebook Recruitment can help company branding, increase referrals and job traffic and so much more. As long as you play with the tools that are provided to you in a creative and effective way, there is no harm in practicing Facebook Recruitment. Feel free to post your comments and questions down below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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