3 Ways You Can Write Better Content to Raise Conversion Rates

Raising conversion rates has always been at the top of ecommerce businesses priorities.

Yet despite the focus placed on this, satisfaction over conversion statistics delivered for organizations have consistently been decreasing. In a study conducted by Econsultancy, only 22 percent of business are completely satisfied with their conversion numbers.

So how does a business go about achieving the kind of numbers that provide value for their efforts? Start from the basics—your content.

Your content, whether it’s your blog, email marketing, social media, serve as one of your customers’ main points of contact and engagement. It pays to make sure that your content is perfectly aligned with what your audience needs.

Here are some ideas on how you can create better content to make sure you raise conversion rates—

1. Listen to what your customers have to say

Your audience doesn’t need marketing fluff. They’re looking for genuinely useful, relevant information where they can learn something.

To find out what your readers actually want to read about—

  • Review your comments section and take note of their frequently asked questions. From there, you can figure out what concerns and issues your audience is focused on and you can address them via a blog post or emailer.
  • Take a look at your analytics—which sections of your website do your audience spend most time on? This will give you an idea of what they are most interested in.
  • Go direct and ask them what they want discussed on your blog. You may think you know your audience but nothing is more efficient than getting information straight from them. You can run a survey or reach out to them personally.

This is a great example on how businesses can reach out to their audience and engage them to gain insight on relevant content they can produce.

2. Look beyond popular keywords

A great keyword strategy is useful, but to gain significant conversion numbers, you have to utilize other methods that can deliver valuable content, not only for your audience but for prospects as well.

You want to be able to establish a certain level of credibility and expertise in your field, which a keyword stuffed blog post just won’t do. You may be able to draw them to your site, but you won’t be able to hold their attention and prompt engagement. More than that, if your post doesn’t deliver anything relevant to them, you’ll make them feel like they wasted their time.

Offer a variety of educational materials for free to supplement your content, add credibility to your site and strengthen your expertise.

That said, here are some ways you can communicate your expertise—

  • Create carefully and comprehensively researched ebooks that you can offer as a free download on your website after prompting people to sign up.
  • How-to guides and tutorials are great ways to provide value added content.
  • Create blog posts that are informative, well-researched and relevant to your reader’s needs.

3. Create a content strategy that prompts interaction

This is a simple strategy that spells out how your audience can interact with your business. It could be as simple as encouraging them to comment about a post or providing the necessary links to simplify sharing.

Here are some ideas—

  • End blog posts with a question that can prompt healthy and constructive discussion in your comment section.
  • Ask for audience or reader suggestions, opinions, or comments and give them an opportunity to discuss it in the comment section.
  • In the author section, make sure that your readers can reach you.

Ending a blog post with a reminder that discussion and comments are welcome and encouraged is a good way to spur discussion and interaction among your users.

Get started with these three simple tips and see how well it works to improve your conversions. It’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all solution, but it’s a great way to get yourself back on track to make sure that you are able to deliver valuable statistics.

If you have any questions or have anything to add to this list, be sure to leave a comment below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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