5 Reasons Evergreen Content Should Be in Your Content Strategy

When you build a marketing strategy, always make sure you include evergreen content in your mix. Why? Because it ensures that your content will stay relevant all year round.  

While it’s important to ride on trends and stay up to date with recent topics, creating content that can stand the test of time is just as important.

Different Types of Evergreen Content

The simplest way to look at it is this: if content’s relevancy has an expiration date, it is not evergreen. For instance, a blog post or infographic on this year’s statistics about content marketing during the Christmas seasons is not evergreen. It’s only relevant this year and only for the Christmas season. After these two occasions pass, the content is no longer relevant. You may get a big spike of interest during the holiday season of the year in question, but the content basically gets forgotten after that. 

Evergreen content will stand the test of time because it offers long-term value—it won’t be obsolete or irrelevant in six months. 

 Some examples would be: 

  • Top tips on your niche or industry
  • Tutorials
  • Product reviews
  • Guides
  • FAQs
  • Case Studies

Now, let’s take a more in-depth look at the importance and benefits of evergreen content and why it should be a part of your content strategy.

1. Boost your search engine rankings

While typical blog posts tend to be short, evergreen posts are longer and more comprehensive. So, while trending posts are great additions to your overall content mix, evergreen content will allow you to rank higher on Google’s search engine results page (SERP). 

Of course, you have to make sure that the content is well written, informative, of high value, and timeless to minimize bounce rate. Remember, Google always prioritizes user experience above all other factors, and a low bounce rate is a clear indication that your content is valuable and addresses the needs of a user’s search request.

2. Drive more website traffic 

According to statistics, 95% of web traffic goes only to the first search engine results page. The other search result pages only see the remaining 5%. Therefore, you must make every effort to create high-quality evergreen content that ranks high on Google. This makes the odds of driving traffic to your site significantly higher. 

3. Helps generate leads over time

More traffic often translates to more leads. Each new visitor who finds their way to your site is an opportunity to gain something for your business. And while there are numerous strategies that you can employ to convert leads into loyal customers, it all starts with generating online traffic, which evergreen content can help give you. Evergreen content can help draw a consistent base of readers to your website, which you can leverage to grow your business.

4. Establish brand authority

We’ve established that evergreen content has more longevity and is more relevant to readers. Also, because of the expanded exposure that it normally receives, it tends to get more social shares over a more consistent period of time than trending topics. 

Whether it’s shared peer to peer or it was linked as a reference across different, credible sites, a robust backlink portfolio will help raise your online profile and establish your brand as an authority in your niche and industry. Remember, the more credibility that you build, the more likely it is that your audience will flow easily through your sales funnel to become a legitimate, paying customer.

5. Minimize the tedium of content production

Because evergreen content doesn’t have to be constantly updated or taken down because it’s seasonal or time-sensitive, you do less work in the long run. Evergreen content provides long-term value. From the very moment you hit publish, evergreen content starts building momentum and continues to deliver as long as it is published on your site.

Rounding Up The Best Tips for Creating Evergreen Content

When it comes to developing evergreen content, you want to explore subject matter that will drive consistent traffic to your website. Consider your brand voice and personality, and carefully review your keywords to make sure that the topic you cover is actually being searched for by your target audience. From there, consider the following: 

1. Avoid using language that limits your lifespan

What do we mean by this? Be careful about using phrases like, “earlier this month…” or “last week…” or “yesterday…” Mentioning a specific date can also quickly make your content irrelevant. Make sure that you’re not inadvertently limiting your materials’ lifespan. 

2. Pay attention to any references that you use in your content

Many content marketers create content based on the latest films, current events, series, and other materials that attract the public’s attention. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, remember that any hype over such things won’t last forever. So, as relevant as you think something is, avoid using it as a reference for your evergreen content as it may simply cause it to become quickly outdated.

3. Avoid jargon

Well-written and developed evergreen content should attract visitors that aren’t necessarily in your niche. This means that your material should be compelling to even those at the top of your funnel—people who are not familiar with your brand, who may not know all the terms and jargon that your industry uses. This makes it important that you use language that you know people will understand. 

An example of evergreen content

An example of evergreen content that we produced for the LeadsPanda audience. (Image Source)

4. Explore different formats

As with any content marketing strategy, you don’t have to limit yourself to just blogs and articles. You can explore different types of content formats to fit the needs of your audience and make your brand more relevant and accessible to them. 

Content marketing requires the constant production of diverse materials in different formats, and adding evergreen content into your mix helps you stay relevant and top of mind. If you want to learn more, reach out to us. Book a consultation or get started with LeadsPanda to find out how we can help you. 

 For any questions, leave a comment below or check out our LinkedIn or Twitter.   

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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