5 Reasons Every Recruiter Should Consider Facebook Advertising

With the advancement of technology and social media, companies are presented with whole new mediums to conduct business. Social Media has given us the opportunity to connect with so many people. One particular Social phenomenon that you shouldn’t overlook for your recruitment efforts is Facebook. Facebook recruitment is potentially the new wave of the future in terms of employment and job hunting.

Social media recruitment, particularly through Facebook advertising, is underutilized and here I’ve gathered 5 simple reasons as to why you should be considering it.

#1: It’ll Increase Your Reach

Studies have shown that around 85% of internet users are on Facebook. Considering the amount of people who have access to the internet these days, Facebook gives you the opportunity to connect with a seemingly infinite number of people to suit your recruitment needs. Posting and sharing job openings and such are not enough to maximize the potential of Facebook recruitment.

You will need to strategically target and infiltrate the web traffic in peoples’ news feeds so they you reach the right people at the right times. This is where Facebook ads come in. The people that your company is looking for are out there, Facebook just gives you an opportunity to reach out and connect with them. Make use of the biggest social network in the world to find the best people possible for your organization.

#2: It’s Easy to Get Started

Creating an ad on Facebook is as easy as 1-2-3. There are no high levels of technical expertise in advertising or social media required to be able to start your recruitment efforts. At best, all you need is basic Facebook-savvy intelligence to be able to start up and create your own Facebook recruitment ad. That in itself should be enough reason for every company to at least give it a try. Don’t be afraid of the technology. It’s there to help you.

#3: It’s Targeted Advertising

Facebook recruitment advertising is incredibly effective because you get to specifically target your ads’ audiences based on your recruiting need. You can trickle down your recruitment preferences based on criteria like a prospect’s location, educational attainment, work experience, hobbies and interests. For instance, your firm may only be recruiting Harvard grads with at least a year’s worth of work experience. Facebook’s targeted advertising makes that possible. This feature makes it easier for you to find the right people for the right jobs. It can dramatically help you source targeted candidates with a few clicks of a button.

#4: It’s Cost-Efficient

You might be thinking that with everything Facebook has to offer in terms of opportunities, they’d be charging a lot for their ads. That isn’t necessarily the case. Facebook has made their ads extremely affordable, cost-efficient, and small-business friendly.  You can promote a post on Facebook for as low as $5 and increase your reach to fans and friends of fans.

Facebook also provides CPC option and will only charge you for your recruitment ads every time someone clicks on it. With the ad targeting you’re sure that you’re only paying for interested prospects and your money isn’t wandering aimlessly around everyone’s news feeds.

#5: It’s Mobile-Enabled

Imagine having a possible recruit casually leafing through his smartphone’s Facebook feed and coming across an ad for a job he’s interested in. That’s the kind of power that Facebook Advertising can provide. With a few clicks your job ads can appear on mobile devices as well, but before starting with mobile ads you would want to make sure that your career site is optimized for mobile devices.

There are so many possible opportunities for Facebook ads to work and generate results. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and give Facebook Advertising a try. You never know that the person with that next big idea is going to discover your job from your ad on Facebook.

Does your company utilize Facebook ads for recruiting? Why or Why Not? Share your experiences in the comments below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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