5 Ways You Can Personalize Your eCommerce Strategy

Brick and mortar stores have the opportunity to study their customers in person and base their approach on their observations. Things like where in the store they are heading to first, how they are dressed, what they are looking for all factor in.

The boom of shopping on the internet prompts an inevitable shift to online ecommerce platforms. And while it offers more convenience for shoppers, giving them an opportunity to browse through wares in the comfort of their own home, it changes the sales person-to-customer dynamic drastically.

Online, you remove the face-to-face interaction essential to physical stores, the latter being their way of showing great customer care and service. Instead, purchases are made with clicks and keystrokes. And it’s hard to create a level of personalization and engagement when you’re limited to a website.

But that’s not to say that it’s impossible. Here are some ways that you can personalize your ecommerce strategy so you can not only attract but also convert customers and turn them into loyal patrons.

1. Consider how you can use your sales funnel to interact with customers

We live in a day and age where almost everyone already owns some sort of mobile device. Smartphones are especially common, and your sales funnel should be able to support a personalized ecommerce experience given that major chunk of purchases are made via mobile devices.

According to research conducted by Pew Research Center, 64% of adults own a smartphone.

According to research conducted by Pew Research Center, 64% of adults own a smartphone.

  • Sending personalized emailers are a great way to drive customers to your ecommerce site and strengthen customer relationship.
  • Searches conducted on your ecommerce site can should prompt suggested items that complement their purchases or items they are interested in purchasing.
  • Ensure that your ecommerce site is mobile-friendly and that you can easily browse through the various items available on your site.

2. Worry less about demographics and focus on buying behaviour

Demographics is important. But understanding your buyer’s behaviour is even more relevant to establish that level of personalization you need to convert.

  • Understand where your customers are coming from. eCommerce sites mean that your customers are driven to your site following a linear flow. They could be coming from several channels—tailor your communications based on that.
  • Use tools that will help familiarize yourself with user behaviour—what do they do on your site, what do they look for, what are they interested in?
  • Return customers are just as valuable as new users. You want the latter to eventually become loyal patrons, and it will take great customer engagement to get them to vouch for you and keep them coming back.

3. Building urgency on your site can help personalize the experience

In traditional, physical stores, sales people are able to customize the shopping experience and push products by offering one-time-only, exclusive discounts for their purchases.

Well timed web notifications can deliver the right message at the right time.

Well timed web notifications can deliver the right message at the right time.

This same technique can be used on ecommerce platforms.

  • Well timed web notifications can be used to inform customers of exclusive discounts or promotions.
  • Offers such as free shipping after reaching a certain amount has been known to effectively usher customers through the sales funnel.
  • Alerting customers of limited stocks for items that complement their purchases are a great way to engage and establish a level of personalization for customers.

4. Personalize your site to reinforce trust

There’s still a certain level of apprehension when it comes to making purchases online versus completing purchases online—to make them feel valued and welcome. Do what you can to make them feel like they can easily trust your site.

  • Customize your messaging by addressing customers by their name when you can.
  • Transparency is important—especially when it comes to providing product reviews and shipping terms.
  • Display trust badges to reinforce consumer trust.
Display trust badges to reinforce that your site can be trusted with financial transactions to increase conversions.

Display trust badges to reinforce that your site can be trusted with financial transactions to increase conversions.

Be sure to test your personalization strategy to determine which one offers the most effective solution. This helps you determine the right triggers for ideal promotional notifications, communicate sense of urgency on exclusive deals and deliver the right messages.

If you have any questions, be sure to leave a message in the comment section below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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