How can I improve my website subscription’s call to action?

Call to Actions (CTA) are important—they’re usually the only element on your landing page that specifically tells your audience what they should do.

As simple as it is, the importance of a CTA can’t be overemphasized. So, it certainly pays to know the little tips and tweaks you can make to ensure your CTAs reach their full potential.

let the shows begin

Sample CTA button (Image Source).

Here are a few of my top tips for improving your CTAs:

1. Use a Strong Command Verb for Your CTA Button

Clarity is essential for CTAs. You basically have 2-5 words to get your point across—so choose them carefully. Make sure your audience is clear about what you want them to do. This is no time to be vague or beat around the bush. 

One way you can do this is to incorporate a strong command verb to incite action. Start your CTA with words that spell out what their next step is—buy, download, sign up, shop, order. Identify the most appropriate verb you can use and incorporate it into your CTA copy.

2. Use Words That Incite Emotion from Your Audience

Make your CTA exciting to motivate your audience. A passive, bland CTA won’t spur an eagerness in your audience to explore your offer and compel them to take action.

3. Be Clear About What’s in It for Your Audience

What is your value proposition or unique selling point? How can you communicate this clearly to your audience so they have a clear and enticing reason to click on your CTA button? For example, do they get a freebie? Exclusive access to content? A discount? Be sure to include that in your CTA copy to give your audience more reason to check out your offer.

4. Don’t Underestimate Your Audience’s Fear of Missing Out

Your audience’s fear of missing out—whether it’s a fear of missing a great bargain or exclusive content—is a great motivator. When you point out the possibility that they might miss out on something big, it’s more likely they’ll click your CTA button. For example, mentioning a limited sale or promotion is an effective way to get you more clicks.

5. Optimize for Your Devices

Are your customers viewing your landing page from their desktop computers or mobile devices? Always consider the various devices that your audience could be viewing your CTA on and optimize for that. User behaviors tend to be different depending on what device they’re on. For example, searching the intent is very different on smartphones versus a tablet. Users on their tablets and desktops are likely to be doing more research on a brand or service, but users on their mobile devices are often seeking instant gratification.

Hope my answer helps! I wrote about this topic in a previous post if you want to learn more. If you have any questions, feel free to email me via Leadspanda. I‘ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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