How can I write good blog posts to promote a business?

To date, there are about 70 million posts that get published every month by WordPress alone. Imagine the volume of competition you have to contend with if you’re trying to use blogging as a way to promote your business.

A business blog can be one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to promote your business, however. Backed by an effective strategy, it can drive traffic to your site, boost sales, raise your authority in the industry, and expand your market reach.

So, what’s the best way to create quality blog posts that deliver results?

1. Write for Your Customers

Remember your blog’s real reason for existing. For all intents and purposes, it’s a communication platform for your customers. Your blog should address something that’s relevant to your core audience, it should contain information that helps them solve a problem. It should also offer compelling content or deliver fresh insight into your industry.

2. Plan Your Content

One of the biggest problems that we encounter as content marketers is carving out time to create the quality content, we need to engage our audience. Lack of time and limited ideas are the top reasons we are unable to create content for our blog consistently.

I assure you though, a little planning goes a long way when creating targeted, highly engaging content for weeks, if not months to come. I suggest mapping everything out in a content calendar and crafting topics based on your research and experience of what your audience wants.

3. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

Of course a business blog brimming with content is a great plus. However, if your blog posts don’t offer anything of value to your audience, then it’s unlikely to help promote your product or service. If you’re already taking the time to develop content, make sure you do so with the intent to write something valuable so that you’re not wasting your time and resources.

4. Be Consistent

There’s a lot of debate in terms of blog posting consistency, but in my years in this industry, I’ve come to realize that consistency is more important than how many times you post. What good would posting 3 blog posts in one day be, only to miss posting anything new for the next six days?

Instead, try following a set frequency that you can comfortably maintain. Search engines like fresh content. If you consistently post something new daily, then this will help your blog rank higher in search engines. Only have time to post every other day? Great! Even one post per week will do you a lot of good, if you keep a consistent schedule.

5. Try To Create a Unique Blogging Style

I always recommend marketers to write their blogs in a tone and style that is reflective of their brand values and personality. This helps with branding and makes your blog stand out as a unique voice in the industry. As much as possible, try to minimize selling and pitching. Focus more on informing and providing your audience with unique insights.

Hope my answer helps! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via Leadspanda and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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