How do digital marketing techniques differ from the traditional marketing techniques?

There are many things that distinguish traditional marketing from digital marketing. I would say that the overarching goal of promoting a brand, service, or business is shared, but the strategies and methods that drive your objectives towards success differ widely.

Let’s start by defining the difference between the two.

Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing uses traditional marketing channels such as TV, print, and radio, as well as out-of-home platforms like billboards. The usual ads you see in newspapers, magazines, or commercials aired in the middle of your favorite show are all traditional forms of marketing. Before the internet was widely adopted, traditional marketing was the primary way brands and businesses could promote their products and services.

Digital Marketing

Any marketing conducted on a digital medium or platform typically falls under the heading of digital marketing. For example, ads you run on websites and posts you publish on your blog are digital, as is anything you publish on social media.

While both forms of marketing have a similar goal, they function differently. In my years in the business, I’ve come to realize that each one has its own pros and cons—but I’m partial to digital marketing because it’s easier to track and manage, and is more cost-efficient.

Consider the following factors:

1. Segmentation

In traditional marketing, the main message of your campaign is delivered in a very general way. You create one ad, run it on one platform, and it reaches one big audience. In digital marketing, you can use a more granular approach. You can present your ad to a select group based on demographics and psychographics, behavior, and interests. Digital marketing can make your efforts more effective.

2. Cost

One of the most important characteristics that differentiate traditional marketing from digital is the cost. Traditional marketing tends to be significantly more expensive. On the other hand, digital marketing, because of how scalable and cost-efficient it can be, can deliver much better ROI.

3. Tracking Results and Metrics

Digital marketing was built to be measurable and trackable. However, the reach of traditional marketing is very hard to measure—especially when it comes to tracking user engagement. Today, most digital marketing platforms are built with tools and plugins that allow you to better understand your customer and help you maximize your results based on real-time data that studies the impact of a particular campaign.

There you have it. Hope my answer helps! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below or join the conversation on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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