How do I build an email list? How can it help me?

According to statistics, 80% of business professionals say that email marketing can increase customer retention. If only for this reason, businesses need to pay attention to their email list as it can help build customer loyalty and even positively or negatively impact purchasing decisions.

In my years doing content marketing, I’ve learned some of the most effective ways you can build your email list:

1. Use effective and personalized CTAs

Personalized calls to action (CTAs) tend to have a higher view-to-submission rate than generic CTAs. This means creating a tailored CTA for every post will potentially increase your email subscribers. Why? People who end up visiting your blog or web page tend to arrive there because they’re looking for something specific. It only makes sense to create a personalized CTA that speaks to that objective and makes it more compelling for them to opt in.

2. Use pop-ups

A pop-up may seem intrusive and bothersome, but if you use them carefully, they don’t have to be spammy at all.

The best strategy is for the user to receive a pop-up that’s relevant to the content they’re reading. For example, exit pop-ups, which appear after a prospect spends a certain amount of time on your page and scrolls down, can influence their next move. If you’re offering something valuable, such as content that’s relevant and important to them, they’re more likely to give their email addresses in exchange for your offer.

3. Be creative

We’re so used to seeing YES and NO CTA options that when we’re presented with something new, funny, or creative, it has much more impact. Notice how much more compelling clicking on a sign-up link is when you’re presented with something like “Yes, I want to learn more” and “No, I don’t care about that.”

Phrasing things in a more interesting and accessible way gives prospects time to pause and consider their options.

4. Highlight the value of your CTA

Remember that most online users skim through pages; they don’t really read texts word for word. Therefore, highlighting key points about your offer is critical when it comes to convincing them to opt in. What benefits and advantages are they poised to enjoy by clicking YES? What exclusive content will they have access to? Do they get members-only discounts? Will they receive freebies?

Your audience has to know exactly how being a part of your mailing list will benefit them.

It doesn’t matter what size your business is. Building your email list is essential for your growth and the success of your business and marketing campaigns. It’s your direct line to customers and can help you nurture them and build your authority and credibility as a brand. You can even track and monitor your success to adjust your efforts according to what’s most effective.

Hope my answer helps! If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below. Better yet, join the conversation on our Twitter or LinkedIn.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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