Marketing Q&A

What are the best tools to use for content marketing?

Let’s look at the numbers. According to recent studies, 88 percent of B2B marketers use content marketing as part of their marketing strategy. If you clicked on this Quora question, you’re probably already part of that 88 percent—or are about to be. At this point, you’re likely looking into the best ways you can maximize

2024-05-11T03:15:39+00:000 Comments

What are ways to get maximum traffic using social media?

For a lot of small businesses who want to capture their audience’s attention and engage them, the best and most cost-efficient way to go about it is through social media. It’s popular for a couple of reasons. First, because almost everyone is part of some type of social media platform. According to a study conducted

2024-05-11T03:14:50+00:000 Comments

Can too many social media sites harm my website traffic?

I’d be the first to say that social media is awesome. It’s a great way to reach your audience. You can share, engage, and drive more people to your website. Best of all, they’re free. Why wouldn’t you maximize and make the most out of all these platforms? The simple answer: because the traffic that

2024-05-11T03:14:03+00:000 Comments

What is the importance of guest blogging?

I love talking about content marketing and how effective it is, sharing new ideas and insights, new techniques and strategies. My blog, and even Quora, is a great platform for this. With guest blogging, however, I get the opportunity to do all this to a wider audience. It almost feels like I’m having a friendly,

2024-05-11T03:11:13+00:000 Comments

How do you go about writing a whitepaper?

When you think of white papers, you immediately think of long, jargon-heavy, intensively researched academic reports. In a word—boring. But they don’t have to be. True, white papers rely heavily on research. However, when done right, they can help establish your business as an authority in your niche. It helps your audience solve problems and

2024-05-11T03:10:31+00:000 Comments

What is the difference between a landing page copywriter and an email copywriter?

This is a great question—and one that I hope I can help answer. I run a content marketing company and often come across clients who either don’t see a distinction between landing pages and email content or assume they’re both the same thing. So, let me start by pointing out the fact that in most

2024-05-11T03:09:39+00:000 Comments

What is the most effective way to convert newsletter subscribers to paying customers?

Let me begin by saying that growing your newsletter subscriber list is already an accomplishment unto itself. Your newsletter has the potential to serve as a direct line by which your business can communicate promos, announcements, and any kind of information straight to your target audience’s inbox. To that end, a lot of marketers assume

2024-05-11T03:09:00+00:000 Comments

How do I use lead magnets to actually get leads?

I’m going to assume that because this topic is asking about lead magnets that you already know what it is and what it’s for. So, I’ll go ahead and dive right in by saying that lead magnets, quite simply, work. In fact, when you do it well and manage to give your audience a clear

2024-05-11T03:07:28+00:000 Comments

Where are places you can post your marketing blog material?

If you’re in the business of online marketing, then a lot of your time is spent creating content—blogs, specifically. It’s also likely that you rely on your website to publish these blogs. Image Source The thing is, I personally believe that there are a lot more places that you can publish your blogs than just

2024-05-11T03:06:21+00:000 Comments
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