Marketing Q&A

How much information should you ask for on a landing page?

After all the effort you put into your ad; after making sure your landing page was perfect—you have to put a little more thought on your forms. What you ask, or don’t ask, can make or break your conversion goals. In fact, 56 percent of marketers say that optimizing their forms results in a significant

2024-05-10T06:50:28+00:000 Comments

Why is Lead Nurturing equally important?

In my years doing online marketing, I can honestly say that customers have never been more empowered than they are today. Modern buyers have more control over their purchasing decisions—and they know it. Understanding this, you should be giving your prospects a good reason to stay and hear out your offer so they actually convert

2024-05-10T06:49:11+00:000 Comments

What are the best lead magnets?

If you’re not already using lead magnets to get more email subscribers, then it’s about time that you do. As a strategy, this could really be a game changer for your business. And whether you’re offering exclusive downloadable content, providing access to exclusive media, or offering discounts, it’s a great way to incentivize visitor engagement.

2024-05-10T06:47:18+00:000 Comments

What’s your biggest content marketing challenge?

Content marketing is so much more than just producing content and publishing material online. It’s about attracting visitors, transforming opinions, convincing people, and engaging them to click on your offer. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that you could encounter a lot of challenges as you try to achieve these goals. In my years in

2024-05-10T06:45:55+00:000 Comments

What color call to action button converts the best for you?

The whole point of your call to action (CTA) button is to get your users to notice it and click on it. To achieve this, you can’t contest certain standards and best practices. For example, an enticing and engaging copy is required to attract audience attention. The button should also be noticeable. So, it makes

2024-05-10T06:44:46+00:000 Comments

What are the different types of content writing?

Content writing seems pretty self-explanatory. However, in the context of online or content marketing, content writing is a whole category unto itself. There are different and numerous types of content that you can develop for your business. Understanding how each one is different from the next can help you craft material that’s best suited for

2024-05-10T06:43:49+00:000 Comments

Why should a company do content marketing?

In this day and age, traditional marketing methods just won’t cut it. Your audience spends more time on their phone than flipping through a newspaper, which means that if your brand isn’t making an effort to do content marketing, then you’re losing out on a lot of potential business. A lot of people think that

2024-05-10T06:42:58+00:000 Comments

What are the best practices on call to action button placement? Right, left or centered, top or bottom? Does it matter? Why?

I frequently come across answers that focus on how to write your call to action (CTA). And for good reason. What you say and how you say it is critical to how effective your CTA is.  However, you should also take note of other key considerations. For instance, placement, typography, color, sizing—all these are equally

2024-05-10T06:41:54+00:000 Comments

What are the best strategies for social media marketing?

The fact that we use Facebook every day, post photos on Instagram regularly, and habitually Tweet any random thing that pops in our heads makes us think that doing the same thing for business is just as easy. However, when you’re doing something with purpose; when you’re working towards a specific goal—you find that posting

2024-05-10T06:40:08+00:000 Comments

What is the difference between a landing page and a home page?

A landing page is different from a homepage. A lot of people claim to know that. However, can you really identify the elements that make one different from another? Don’t worry if you can’t. There aren’t too many who can run down a comprehensive list. By not taking the time to understand the main differences

2024-05-10T06:39:06+00:000 Comments
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