What are sign-up and call to action tips for e-commerce sites?

Improving your conversion rate depends on your ability to craft compelling messages, engage your customers, and getting them to take positive action on your call to action (CTA). It may seem simple and straightforward, but it’s actually more complex than you can imagine.

Unlike blog posts, CTAs have to be short, clear, and persuasive. In terms of design, they must capture the attention of your audience. It has to deliver a well-defined message that leaves no room for audiences to second guess what they have to do.

The problem is, online audiences typically have very short attention spans. So, if you want to capture their attention and get them to act on your CTA, follow these tried and tested tips:

1. Make your CTA button stand out

Your CTA button has to visually stand out from every element on the page. This includes your background, photos, buttons, and other icons that you may be using. The easiest way to do this would be to make sure that the color you use brightly contrasts with the rest of the page.

Take note, while lively, eye-catching hues are best practice for CTA buttons, certain colors also help establish associations in shoppers’ minds—which is useful for e-commerce sites. For example, blue is typically associated with being trustworthy, while black is usually used to convey luxury and exclusivity.

2. Use short, clear, and concise copy

When it comes to CTA copy, your instructions shouldn’t leave your shoppers wondering what they should do next. As much as possible, minimize the possibility of them second guessing whether or not they should click the link and answer the form fields.

The best way to do this is by steering clear of generic CTA button copy that simply says ‘click here’ or anything similar. Instead, try using phrases like ‘click to claim your discount’ or ‘add to cart now and get a freebie.’ These phrases are direct, while clearly communicating the perks of taking action on your CTA.

3. Be conscious of button placement

Button placement is all about timing. I find that placing too high up on the page may be ideal in terms of visibility, but if you have yet to make your pitch, then it’s basically useless. Placing it too far down on the other hand, heightens the risk of your audience bouncing off instead.

For e-commerce sites, I recommend placing it just below the price or description of the product listing. This ensures that you have time to say your piece and give your pitch.

4. Keep form fields to a minimum

After they click on their CTA, it’s likely your customer’s next step is to fill a form field. You’d think that just because they already clicked on your CTA that there’s no risk of them bouncing off at this stage. However, requesting too much at this point can still turn them off and cause customers to abandon your page.

To that end, keep your form fields to the bare minimum. Ask only the most basic information. I recommend getting just their name and email address. You can always follow up by reaching out to them afterward.

Finally, I always recommend that marketers test their buttons. Not all businesses are the same and as such, what works for one may not work for another. There’s really no way to find out if you’ve chosen the most effective option unless you test design, copy, wording, timing, and other critical CTA elements.

If you have questions about this, I’d be happy to answer them. Simply get in touch with me at Leadspanda and I’ll be sure to address your questions as best as I can.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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