What are some of your most effective blog marketing practices?
This is a great question. One that I hope my numerous years in content marketing can help me answer comprehensively.
1. Make an effort to write awesome content
A lot of marketers tend to produce blogs just for the sake of publishing something. Remember, your efforts should always be driven by a clear objective. Don’t let the time and effort you’re putting into producing content go to waste, especially since you’re working towards achieving a clear marketing goal. Do the research and learn about your subject matter so you can write insightful and informative posts that your audience will want to read and share.
2. Write content specifically for your target audiences
You want to create content specifically for your target audience. Taking the general route will only deliver minimal results without making a significant impact on your readers. On the other hand, if you take the time to learn more about what topics your audience wants to read about and what questions they want answered, you’re likely to capture and hold their attention.
3. Pay attention to your titles
Make titles click-worthy. Steer clear, however, of click-bait headlines. What you want to focus on is making titles interesting, attention-grabbing but informative and accurate. Your titles are likely the first things your readers will see. Give them a compelling reason to click on it to see what else you have to say.
4. Use keywords and keyphrases wisely
SEO is an important part of blog marketing. I have to emphasize, you’re not writing to solely satisfy search engines. At the end of the day, you still want to write something informative and relevant to your core audience, while making an effort to make sure search engines can find you and rank you high enough to be found. Avoid keyword stuffing and make sure that you use your keywords seamlessly and organically in your post, or Google might end up penalizing you.
5. Be consistent
Consistency is important in blog marketing. This doesn’t just pertain to blog frequency, either. It also refers to the quality of your posts. If you put in 110% percent on your previous post, don’t make a half-hearted effort and publish something substandard on the next one. And if you want to be recognized as a reliable source of information, post on a regular schedule as well, so your audience can have something to anticipate and look forward to.
Even the level of engagement should be something that you pay attention to. Take the time to start conversations with readers, ask questions and answer theirs when you can, leave comments when able. These efforts can help create a relationship with your audience if you do it consistently.
With these in mind, I have no doubt that you will be on the right track to building a good blog marketing strategy. If you have any questions, feel free to join the conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn or simply leave a comment below.
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