What are the best practices in creating a landing page?

Statistically, companies that make and use 30 or more landing pages are said to generate seven times more leads than those who use less than ten.

This is the reason why I myself make it a point to invest in landing pages and include them as an integral part of my overall marketing strategy.

how to create a landing apge

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Through the years, I’ve learned that there are certain landing page best practices that can help make them more effective and deliver better results. Here are some easily actionable strategies you can try:

1. Make Sure Your Ads Match Your Landing Page

Your leads usually end up on your landing page after they click an ad. This is why it’s so important that your messages, from point A (your ad) to point B (your landing page), match. For example, if your ad features a brand for luxury real estate but takes your customers to a landing page that sells tiny homes, the obvious disconnect will only drive visitors away. Make sure that the messaging between both the ad and the landing page match and support each other to create credibility.

2. Use Videos or Images Wisely

Videos on landing pages are said to boost engagement by as much as 86%. Make the most out of this opportunity by using videos to demonstrate the relevance of your product or service in a dynamic way. Step by step animations or demo videos in place of static text and images can help catch the eye of your audience and hold their attention.

3. Keep Your Landing Page Simple

A great landing page has one goal—to get visitors to convert. There is no need to add fancy bells and whistles that might only serve to take attention away from this goal. This includes additional site navigation, multiple call-to-actions, or even links that take them away from the landing page itself.

My best advice is to get to know your audience well and keep it simple. Stick to your primary objective and cut out distractions to boost your conversions.

4. Include Social Proof Whenever Possible

Always assume that your audience is savvy enough to know when they’re being pitched to. To that end, they’re probably very aware when someone is trying to sell them something. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I find that this means most leads are apprehensive about businesses that do so overtly or in a pushy way. To address this, I try to include social proof that helps build trust and credibility regarding my claims. This can be something as simple as showing the number of people subscribed, or testimonials from known brands.

5. Test, Test, Test!

Testing should always be included in your overall landing page strategy. To ensure that you’re converting as many leads as possible, it’s important to test the different elements that make up your landing page. From your copy to the page design, to the CTA—the smallest differences can make a world of difference.

Hope my answer helps!

If you have any questions, reach out to me via Leadspanda and I’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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