What are the best strategies for social media marketing?

The fact that we use Facebook every day, post photos on Instagram regularly, and habitually Tweet any random thing that pops in our heads makes us think that doing the same thing for business is just as easy.

However, when you’re doing something with purpose; when you’re working towards a specific goal—you find that posting just for posting’s sake doesn’t quite cut it. Does it mean that you should use social media for marketing? Of course. In this day and age, you’d be losing out on a lot of potential growth and sales by not leveraging on social media marketing. The important thing to remember is that you have to do it right.

So, what are the best strategies that I would recommend for social media marketing? Check out my top 3 tips below:

1. Craft a game plan and make sure you stick to it

Strategy is the backbone of any marketing effort. It’s no different for social media. Map out how many posts you want to publish daily. How many tweets do you want to make? How often do you want to post videos or photos? Determine this even before you start posting anything for your business. Consistency is key when it comes to social media.

Here’s a tip—check how often your biggest or most popular competition are posting and which posts get the most engagement. You can time your posts according to those times.

Next, be sure to create an editorial calendar that allows you to easily reference what’s being posted, what needs to be changed, or what needs additional content. Plan ahead, but be flexible as well. If you find that current events will help a particular post trend, feel free to add and adjust your calendar accordingly.

2. Be sure to treat each social media platform as a unique entity

Not all social media platforms are built equal. Each one likely focuses on a specific feature. For instance, while Facebook is an all-around sharing platform for multiple media, Instagram is best known for photos. Tumblr and Pinterest are the same, but you should notice the subtle differences between each. Instagram is for sharing personal experiences; Pinterest is about curating visual boards and aesthetic images; and Tumblr is mostly used for sharing personal artwork. LinkedIn is mostly used for business and YouTube is specifically for videos.

The point is, each one will need specific content. Pay attention to where you audience is and be sure to leverage on that.

3. Engage and respond to customers

One of the easiest ways to touch base with your customers is through social media. Customers appreciate the fact that they can engage with like-minded individuals on your page. They love that they can message or post to get their questions answered. It’s your responsibility to make sure that you reply and talk to them regularly.

This is the best way to build rapport and trust between you and your customers.

Social media marketing works, but you have to be smart about it. If you have the time and bandwidth to map out a strategy for your brand, by all means, do so. If you think you need more help, I’d be happy to assist. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below and I’ll be sure to get back to you.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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