What are the biggest challenges facing content marketers today?

For all the convenience our advanced media and online technology have brought us, as content marketers, we still inevitably encounter a lot of challenges. Here are some that I frequently have to deal with:

1. Limited Resources

Creating and producing content is easy. Creating and producing content that is high quality and strategic while ensuring consistency is much more difficult. A lot of us rely on our team members to create our content. This makes a lot of sense for many reasons, including the fact that it’s probably cheaper than outsourcing content, and they know the business inside and out. Unless you have a dedicated team for content production though, these tasks will typically go on top of other high-level tasks that they need to attend to run your business.

What are the biggest challenges facing content marketers today?

The project management triangle (Image Source).

In many cases, content ends up being rushed and as a result, is lower quality. My first suggestion for addressing this challenge is to outsource. Yes, there will be costs involved, but the cost of time and money that content production takes away from you actually running your business is higher. Just be sure that you’re working with a company that fully understands your business and its goals.

2. Rising Competition

When I started in content marketing there were very few of us in this business. The proven effectiveness of content marketing then created more and more interest from companies to engage in content marketing. As a result, we also started to see more content marketing companies entering the industry.

It’s not enough to simply be knowledgeable about your field. You have to be creative, unique, immensely strategic, and deliver real ROI for brands. My advice? Find your niche. Understand what your specialization should be based on your strengths, skills, and training.

3. Maintaining Relevance Amid Current Events

It’s hard to stay top of mind or push brands and services to a target audience that’s distracted by what’s going on in the world today. I always tell colleagues and clients though—we don’t have to gloss over what’s happening to demonstrate our relevance. It’s all about reframing our communications to ensure sensitivity to current events.

4. Burnout

Burnout is a big challenge that you could face in content marketing. It’s also one that we often overlook. We’re usually so focused on getting the work done that we don’t pay attention to the toll it takes on us and our team members.

Burnout poses real risks for your physical and mental health. It could potentially destroy all the hard work that you’ve done. Take the time to set realistic goals and manageable deadlines for your team. Try to find a balance between maintaining quality and consistency with your physical and mental health needs. Producing and publishing 4,000 words daily may be good for SEO, but it may also lead to burnout for content producers who could, in the long term, start to resent the pressures of the job.

Hope my answer helps! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me via Leadspanda.


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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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