What are the top 7 on-page SEO techniques?

I know you only asked for 3, but when it comes to on-page SEO techniques, I’m a firm believer that these different techniques work together simultaneously to make your efforts more effective. To that end, I’ve compiled about 7 things below—all of which are things you can do on your website so you can help your site rank higher on search engines.

1. Check your page titles

Each of your pages or posts on your website should have a distinct title, and always include your main keyword for that page.

For example, if you just wrote a post about content marketing for beginners, your main keyword for that page should always include “content marketing for beginners” in your page title. You can even try different iterations such as “easy content marketing for beginners” or “complete guide to content marketing for beginners.”

The important thing to remember is that you have a main focus keyword for that page.

2. Add meta descriptions

A lot of marketers tend to ignore meta descriptions on their pages. However, this is a great place to add relevant keywords for your post that can help boost your rankings on search engines.

For example, following the previous example of “content marketing for beginners”, a good meta description would be: “A comprehensive guide that includes tips and techniques for content marketing for beginners.”

Meta descriptions usually have a word count, so be very conscious of this when crafting your description.

3. Add meta tags

You have the option to add meta tags on your individual web pages, which essentially serves as a way to include relevant keywords regarding your content.

I actually use a Meta-Tag manager for WordPress for this to simplify the addition of meta tag keywords following an HTML format.

4. Check your URL structure

Search engine friendly URLs are great for improving your ranking and searchability online. Shorter URLs typically perform a lot better when it comes to search engine results. However, take note that length isn’t the only consideration. Including your targeted keywords in the URL could also contribute to it.

5. Make use of your body tags

Body tags refer to the H1, H2, H3, H4 formatting options on your page. Your content will be easier to read by using body tags to break up content into smaller sections and paragraphs. Adding your main keywords to these headings is also great for SEO purposes. Try to incorporate your focus keyword into your headers whenever possible.

6. Be conscious of keyword density

Using your keywords strategically throughout your article or post is important for SEO. But here’s a very important reminder—use it only where it should naturally appear. Don’t try to cram as many keywords as you can into your articles just for the sake of it. A good rule of thumb is to keep your keyword density at around 2-5 percent.

7. SEO your photos

You know that images help boost engagement for your post. Additionally, a great way to boost your SEO is by leveraging on image titles. Because all images have title options, be sure to name them similar to your page titles. This helps search engines identify that your content and images are aligned, which ultimately helps with your online visibility.

These 7 techniques are by far the simplest and most effective ways you can improve your SEO. Combined with consistently developing quality content, you can give these a try and see what they do for your pages. If you need more help, contact us at Leadspanda today and we can see what we can do to improve your rankings.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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