What are the upcoming trends in content marketing?

I love answering questions about content marketing trends. I’ve been in this line of work long enough to realize that while there are tried-and-tested tools and strategies we rely on, it’s also an ever-evolving industry. And that’s exciting because new techniques and methods can make our jobs faster, easier, and more efficient.

Here are some trends on my radar:

1. A focus on more sophisticated ways to communicate

Modern customers are getting more and more marketing savvy. They know when they’re being sold to and recognize when something is just a sales pitch. This means the pressure is on content marketers to make content that delivers a more personalized experience.

This goes beyond simply referring to your prospects or existing customers by name, although that’s part of it, too. It means gathering relevant information and data so you can communicate better and deliver real value and more meaningful messaging.

2. Niche content takes the spotlight

There’s a lot of competition online, regardless of what vertical you’re in. That means you and thousands of other companies are writing similar content, which makes it so much harder to boost your organic ranking.

To stand out, you have to make a real effort to identify your niche and target a more specific audience. For example, it’s not enough to be talking about general content marketing, you have to drill down to content marketing for your specific industry and a specific demographic, located in a specific area.

3. Voice search is still going strong

The rise of digital assistants paved a new way for users to interact with their devices. Instead of manually typing in queries, users now tend to use voice search for convenience. With the proliferation of voice-activated devices, it’s only set to keep growing.

The key here is to remember that users don’t necessarily write the same way they speak. Where most users will probably key in “content marketing tips” on a search bar, a voice search will go “What are content marketing tips for small businesses?” Basically, we’re going from keywords to full sentences, which means our SEO strategy will change significantly.

4. Influencer marketing is on the rise

Influencers—both major personalities and micro-influencers—are going to be critical for many brands. Building credibility is key for many businesses and one of the best ways they can do that is by tapping into the credibility of a trustworthy influencer.

In the early days of influencer marketing, you needed major names to get noticed. But smaller influencers with a more targeted following have actually shown to be as effective, paving the way for micro-influencers to get a significant piece of content marketing opportunities as well.

There are a lot more trends that I have my eye on, but these four are definitely the ones you should pay attention to as 2022 rolls around. If you have more to add, feel free to leave a comment below or join the conversation on our LinkedIn or Twitter.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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