Which blogs are strong examples of content marketing?

This is a great question—and one that I get asked quite often.

My list of top content marketing examples is quite long, covering numerous industries and topics. But to answer your question, here are some strong examples of content marketing blogs that you should pay attention to.

1. Content Marketing Institute (CMI)

Founded by one of the pioneers of the industry, CMI is a credible source of content marketing tips, tricks, and guidelines that I often reference in my quest to learn more about this field. It’s a blog that clearly demonstrates its expertise in this niche. It offers annual research studies that are insightful and relevant to many of your content marketing efforts, thus establishing it as a go-to site for any marketer.

2. Copyblogger

This is a great content marketing example of a brand that focuses on a specific niche within an already specific niche—writing for content marketing. The blog is known for providing actionable tips that can be applied from a writer’s perspective. It provides a lot of insight into common challenges that writers encounter in this industry. For instance, the site is known for providing suggestions on how to deal with writer’s block. It offers tools that help writers do their jobs better as well as tips on how to write faster and more persuasively. These posts cover a broad range of topics and are readily available on the website. They’re easily shareable as well.

3. The Story of Telling

Content marketing is all about storytelling. Learning how to tell highly compelling and interesting stories is as important as content marketing itself. The Story of Telling is hinged on this idea and is focused on explaining the true relevance and value behind storytelling for content marketing.

The site is peppered with short, readable posts that make it exceptionally easy to read. You can easily pick up tips on how to craft interesting stories that will prompt you to write, making it a very compelling content marketing blog.

4. Digiday

Digiday is focused on following and covering the latest trends in digital marketing. It’s a great site to bookmark and come back to for its ability to offer great, relevant information.

5. Mashable

Mashable is considered a major online publication that covers everything from tech news to social media trends—but that’s not all it offers. Its carefully curated and organized articles cover interesting and relevant topics loaded with insightful information and timely opinions about things you want to learn more about.

As I said, I have a longer list of resources, but starting with these examples covering content and digital marketing is a great jump-off point. If you want to learn more, feel free to join the discussion on our Twitter or LinkedIn, or simply leave a comment below.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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