5 Ways To Streamline Your Interview Process

Job interviews are key to figuring out whether a candidate has the makings of an employee, who will fit seamlessly into your company. It is also an opportunity for the company to make a good impression on a potential hire, who you want to become a part of your organization.

There are many different ways to conduct an interview, from the traditional panel interviews to more relaxed brunch meetings. Here are some ways you can fine tune your interview process, regardless of the manner you want to conduct your screening:

1. Pick the right interviewers.

After inviting a candidate for an in-person interview, you need to figure out the best people to interview them. The key is to find a  balance between personalities so that your panel can ask the right questions without overwhelming the candidate.

Typically, you should include the future supervisor, a close co-worker and a would-be subordinate of that candidate. Make sure there are no more than five interviewers at a time for big companies. Five people can also be a lot for a small business, so three is usually the sweet spot.

2. Decide where to conduct the interview and for how long.

The next step is to determine where to conduct the interview. Ask yourself which scenario would be most suitable for getting the most honest answers from your candidate. Should it be in your conference room or would it be better to chat with them at a quiet cafe? Alternatively, you can also bring them to project sites and interview them there. This way, they will get an idea on how your company operates and you can see whether they are really familiar with the industry.

Depending on the role, you should keep the interviews between 30 minutes, for non -manager roles, and up to 90 minutes for managerial roles.

3. Get logistics in order.

Get your prospect’s contact details, get in touch, book the place where you intend to do the interview. Plan a private space for the entire duration of the interview and add on an extra 30 minutes in case it goes long.

Also, be sure to block it off in everyone’s calendars – both the interviewers and interviewee– so that everyone is on the same page. If you’re not sure about the candidate’s availability, have the interviewers block off multiple days and times to give the candidate flexible options.

4. Prepare interview questions.

Before you can come up with the right questions, your team should decide what your company is looking, in terms of skills and culture fit. Use the job description to draft interview questions, but also refer to the candidate’s CV for more questions like why did they leave the previous company after only 6 months?

To get started, here are some top must-ask interview questions:

  • What do you know about our company?
  • Why are you interested in the field? How do you keep current with it?
  • Why you think this is a great job for you?

5. Brief the candidate properly.

Before the interview, give candidates the information they need in advance, including the time of the appointment, how long it will go for, and the interview location. Also include the names of their interviewers and the person to ask for when they arrive.

Give them a phone number to call if there is an emergency on the day of interview and need to cancel.

Making interviews more efficient and effective is vital in every recruitment process. It is an important step in determining whether the potential candidate will be a good fit for your company, given their technical skills and their personalities. The points mentioned above will help you make every interview, an insightful and pleasant experience for both the interviewers and the potential candidates.

Do you have other tips on how you can streamline the interview process? Share them in the comment section below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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