Top 5 Factors Limiting Your eCommerce Conversions and How You Can Fix Them

Let’s talk numbers—after all, as an eCommerce site, that should always be your priority. Smart Insights just compiled an informative collection of statistics that explains user behaviour and purchasing habits.

Assuming you already know your targets inside-out and the strategies you need to implement to reach them, take this time to learn about the numbers that drive the preferences of your users.


Because familiarizing yourself with these figures will help you tweak and adjust existing efforts or start new ones that will ultimately raise your conversion rates.

Let’s start with—

1. Why your users are abandoning their shopping carts

28% say it’s because they are presented with unexpected shipping costs.

23% blame it on having to create a new user account.

16% of users do so because they were just canvassing prices.

13% are worried about payment security.

12% abandon due to a confusing checkout process.

8% look for coupon codes and can’t find it.

What do these numbers tell you?

  • If you can, try to offer free shipping; otherwise, be upfront about your shipping costs—show the breakdown as early as you can.

    Don’t give your users an opportunity to second guess their purchase–offer free shipping.

  • Offer Guest checkout so that new users won’t have to go through the tedious process of signing up for an account with your site. If they visit your site often enough anyway and given that you give them a great customer experience, they will return and eventually sign up.
  • Display security badges and trust symbols to assure site credibility.

The best way to illustrate the trustworthiness of your site is to prominently display credible trust symbols.

  • Simplify your checkout process.

2. Why you should work retargeting as part of your conversion funnel

54% of users say they will follow through on a purchase if it’s offered at a discount.

What should you do about it?

Implement a cart reminder email system that will reach out and get in touch with users after they have abandoned their carts. Send a coupon code or promotions offer to go along with it.


A simple reminder could be all that your users need to follow through on that purchase.

3. Why shipping is just as important as your product

24% of shoppers will spend more so they can avail of free shipping.

That’s a quarter of your total number of customers. Sure, a large chunk (46%) isn’t likely to buy more items just to qualify for this service, but ‘not likely’ isn’t a definitive ‘no’, and it couldn’t hurt to try to sway them.


Encourage already interested shoppers to make more purchases and check out their carts by providing incentive.

So here’s what you can do…

  • Raise your per transaction value by offering exclusive free shipping deals above a certain amount.
  • This might be a good time to use your upselling or cross-selling techniques to introduce products that they may be interested in.
  • Align your cross-selling/upselling strategy based on user behaviour and data.

4. Why you should have reviews on your site

55% consider reviews as an important factor in the decision making process for purchases on eCommerce sites.


Reviews are a major deciding factor for users who are browsing online.

Here are some ways you can encourage engagement and moderate reviews…

  • Make sure you encourage feedback by thanking users who leave good reviews.
  • Answer all questions and address comments promptly.
  • Do not delete negative reviews—instead, reply to the reviewer and take the conversation to a private platform. Thank them for their feedback and ask for their direct contact information—IM, email or their phone number—so you can get in touch personally.

5. Why you shouldn’t neglect your social media presence

Based on online shoppers between the ages of 18-34 years old–

55% of buyers are influenced by Facebook when making purchasing decisions.


19% say purchasing decisions are based on items found on Pinterest.


17% are influenced by Twitter.



Make the most out of this data by…

Focusing your social media campaigns on the preferred platforms that your users based their buying decisions on.

Take note that these five pointers are based on statistics that highlight user behaviour on eCommerce sites–so implementing even just one will definitely lend itself to improving your conversion rates. Try it and see. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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