Does social media marketing really work?

Yes, it does. The sheer number of people on social media is enough to get your brand or business seen. Of course, if you want to get people to notice and take action, you have to be a little more strategic. You have to use your social media channels wisely. When you find the right platform, medium, and voice, social media can do wonders for your business.


1. Social media can boost brand recognition

Any opportunity to boost your brand’s visibility is invaluable. Social media is a cost-efficient and scalable way to do this. You can use it to find new prospective audiences and engage potential customers while maintaining consistent communication and dialogue with your loyal following.

2. Social media can increase your conversions

When you make an effort to engage with your audience, you’re creating an opportunity to move them through your customer journey, bringing them closer to actually converting. Having a positive social media presence means you’re establishing a credible voice among your followers, which in turn can help expand your reach and create positive interactions, ultimately allowing you to target new customers.

3. Social media allows you to create richer experiences for your customers

Social media lets you offer a lot of value for your customers. With social media, you can communicate faster, in a more personalized way, and with greater relevance. You’re able to share better content regularly and produce dynamic content easily. With social media, you can create a level of interactivity with your customers that is unmatched by traditional marketing channels.

4. Social media gives you cost-effective marketing options

One of the biggest advantages of using social media for marketing and advertising is its scalability. Depending on how much you are able to spend and dedicate towards your marketing efforts, social media can easily adjust accordingly. This means you can save time and money when you have to, and go all out when budget and time allow for it.

5. Social media can help you gain valuable customer insight

Consistently posting on social media and interacting with your audience means you can gather valuable customer insight. Social media platforms are inherently built to gather data on how users interact with your content, which means you can learn a lot from simply collecting information on their browsing habits. Information such as what pages they frequent, what topics prompt them to engage, how often they are online, and so on can help you significantly improve your social media marketing efforts to engage and capture their attention and ultimately build loyalty.

One Last Tip:

You’d think that signing up for every social media platform ever made is the best way forward for your online marketing needs, but not every channel is a good fit for your business. Don’t make the mistake of diluting your efforts by casting your social media net far and wide instead of focusing on platforms that best fit your niche. 

My advice is to make sure you’re present on Facebook and determine from there where your brand best fits. Visual content is best served on Instagram or Pinterest, while video content is best on YouTube and Facebook. TikTok is great for reaching a younger audience, while Twitter serves an older demographic.

Again, if you have any more questions, feel free to leave a comment below or join the conversation on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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