How do you market on social media platforms?

As a marketer, you should know by now that social media marketing involves a lot more than posting and reposting memes.

Like anything in content marketing, ensuring your efforts on social media are effective requires some forethought and strategy. So, how do you market on social media platforms? Consider the following points:

1. Define goals that are aligned with your business vision

A measurable social media strategy starts with solid goals aligned with your business’s overall objectives. You need to spell this out to ensure your social media efforts will deliver the results you actually need. For example, do you want to get your brand or business name out there? To define an authentic and lasting brand reputation? Is your goal to generate more leads and build your following? Or do you want to grow your brand’s audience to expand your voice and reach?

Any combination of these can help identify what steps need to be taken to reach your goals.

2. Make sure you research your target audience

The sheer wealth of demographic data available on social media platforms makes it so much easier to understand the audience you’re speaking to. The information you need to know about your audience to influence them to take positive action on your posts is available—make the most of it.

Keep in mind that different platforms will attract different audiences. For example, Facebook and YouTube are great platforms that target a general audience, making it the best places to run ads. A bulk of young millennials and Gen Z’ers can be found on Instagram and TikTok. Women outnumber male users on Pinterest, while LinkedIn is best known for pushing business-related interests.

Depending on your goals, there’s a social media platform that is best suited for your objectives. Focus on networks where your core audience can be found.

3. Create original content and curate engaging material for publication

A lot of your social media marketing is hinged on your content. Make an effort to produce original material that is relevant to your audience as well curate engaging material that your audience will love. Remember:

  • Content that tells a story is always effective.
  • Short-form video is engaging, particularly for younger audiences. 
  • Behind-the-scenes content that shows a different side of your brand is always a good way to humanize your brand.

4. Make sure your social presence is timely and up to date

Timeliness is important to content marketers—especially in an age where information gets published at the speed of need. Fresh content is therefore a must. Make a point to publish consistently and regularly. Find out what times are best to engage and capture your audience’s attention, and post during these times to maximize your effort.

Additionally, be sure to respond to your audience when they comment and start conversations on your social media platforms. This is a great way to spur conversations and humanize your brand.

Hope you find these pointers helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to join the conversation on our Twitter or LinkedIn, or leave a comment below.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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