4 Simple Ways To Make Your Job Site Engaging And Persuasive

When you have a job site that you feel isn’t really working out for you, perhaps it’s because your content isn’t engaging and persuasive enough. Remember, when potential recruits visit your job site, your site must have the ability to immediately capture the visitor’s attention and keep him hooked on your page.

You can’t achieve this by writing lengthy, text-heavy page content. It’s most likely that your site’s visitors will merely skim through content, and you should be able to draw them in and keep them interested. Here are 4 extremely simple steps on keeping your job-site engaging and persuasive so you get more spikes in your recruitment meters. Let’s get started!

#1: Include Workplace Pictures

This is fairly obvious but underutilized tactic. It’s much easier to capture peoples’ attention when you present them with fun and lively visual images rather than boring lengthy texts. Try posting pictures of the workplace, employees working on their jobs, and company gatherings to give your potential recruits a look into the culture of your working environment.

Be as creative as you can with your visuals! Check out the job site example below, and you’ll automatically notice the interesting and intriguing photos on their page.

Example of how you can make your job site engaging with actual workplace photos

Example of how you can make your job site engaging with actual workplace photos

#2: Include Videos

What’s next after pictures? Of course, the next best thing: Videos. Video presentations embedded on your job site gives you the opportunity to convey messages to your potential recruits that a simple picture merely cannot.

Try showing off some personality, culture, art and creativity in your video presentations. These serve as the first impressions of your company. You better make it count. For reference, you can see how it is utilized in the  job-site, in the example below:

Including a video will increase the time spent by candidates engaging with your brand

Including a video will increase the time spent by candidates engaging with your brand

#3: Include Employee Testimonials

What better way to show off your company’s personality than to have your actual personnel give personal testimonials about their experience in your company? This way, you’re connecting to your potential recruits at an intimate and personal level, while at the same time, giving them the assurance that the opportunity to work for your company is one that they shouldn’t waste. See below example to take a few pointers:

Include employee testimonials to make your job site persuasive

Include employee testimonials to make your job site persuasive


You can also include employee introductions, with interesting tid bids. This will give your job site a personality and make it more appealing to candidates:

Include employee introductions to show off your company's personality

Include employee introductions to show off your company’s personality

#4: Include Workplace Awards

It’s not about showing off. It’s about giving potential applicants confidence in your company’s ability to provide a great work environment. Including announcements/banners about the acknowledgements and employer awards that your company has garnered over its history will give off an air of credibility to your potential recruits.

It’s about ensuring your job site’s visitors that you provide amazing growth opportunities and a happy work place that they should not miss out on. Your job site can really thrive on this technique, below is an example of how it can be included in your job-site:

Include workplace and employer awards to increase credibility

Include workplace and employer awards to increase credibility

There you have it! Those are 4 very simple, yet effective tips that you can use to beef up your job-site’s appeal. Apply these tactics on your job site and you’ll have bright candidates knocking on your doors for an opportunity to work with you.

What are some of the tactics you have used to make your job site work harder for you? Share it all in the comments below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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  1. […] job descriptions. Gone are the days of old and boring formalities. This seemingly unconventional way of attracting applicants is very effective especially considering that you’re competing with other companies in hiring the […]

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