Marketing Q&A

How do digital marketing techniques differ from the traditional marketing techniques?

There are many things that distinguish traditional marketing from digital marketing. I would say that the overarching goal of promoting a brand, service, or business is shared, but the strategies and methods that drive your objectives towards success differ widely. Let’s start by defining the difference between the two. Traditional Marketing Traditional marketing uses traditional

2025-03-13T18:40:17+00:000 Comments

What are the important things we do in content marketing?

There are so many different facets of content marketing that combine to create a cohesive and effective strategy for your brand. These are the ones I think are most important and relevant to any business’s success: 1. Content Research and Development The heart of any content marketing strategy is content. In content marketing, everything you

2025-03-13T18:36:38+00:000 Comments

How can content marketing tools help your writing routine?

That depends on what content marketing tools you’re using. The great thing about this content marketing boom is that it paved the way for so many tools and platforms to launch to help make our jobs easier. The tricky thing is sifting through all your available options, given the different areas of content marketing. So,

2025-03-13T18:33:34+00:000 Comments

What are some of the negative points of social media marketing?

That’s an interesting question, especially since everyone is very focused on the perks and advantages of using social media. I’m happy to answer this as it pertains to content marketing. For context, I’m a longtime content marketer and have been using social media for my business for years. I am fully aware of all the

2025-03-13T18:31:35+00:000 Comments

Do people read whitepapers?

Absolutely! In content marketing, white papers are especially relevant for B2B marketing. They help simplify complex ideas and concepts into an easily readable but still comprehensive piece of content. The format of a white paper helps a lot to achieve its objectives. It’s written like an academic paper/technical manual. However, it’s laid out in a

2025-03-13T18:28:56+00:000 Comments

What are the 5 main pillars of a successful landing page?

Not all landing pages are made equal. Some are effective and efficient, while others fail to achieve their business goals because they don’t follow the main pillars of what makes a landing page successful. So, what are these fundamental pillars that can help boost your landing page’s efficacy? Take a look below: 1. Landing pages

2025-02-25T16:37:30+00:000 Comments

How do I build an email list? How can it help me?

According to statistics, 80% of business professionals say that email marketing can increase customer retention. If only for this reason, businesses need to pay attention to their email list as it can help build customer loyalty and even positively or negatively impact purchasing decisions. In my years doing content marketing, I’ve learned some of the

2025-02-25T16:36:21+00:000 Comments

What are the differences between traditional marketing and digital marketing?

The primary difference between digital and traditional marketing is the medium by which an audience receives your marketing message. Traditional marketing means communication goes through traditional media such as TV, magazines, or newspapers. Digital marketing means your followers receive the message via digital platforms such as social media, or your website. There are other key

2025-02-25T16:28:34+00:000 Comments

What are the upcoming trends in content marketing?

I love answering questions about content marketing trends. I’ve been in this line of work long enough to realize that while there are tried-and-tested tools and strategies we rely on, it’s also an ever-evolving industry. And that’s exciting because new techniques and methods can make our jobs faster, easier, and more efficient. Here are some

2025-02-25T16:21:58+00:000 Comments
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