8 Great Recruiting Video Examples and What We Can Learn From Them

When you want to attract the best and brightest minds to work for your organization, it’s not enough that you establish a company presence on various hiring and recruitment channels. It is also important that you build a desirable and pragmatic perception in the eyes of your potential recruits and employees.

In today’s world, traditional approaches are not enough to maintain a competitive advantage. You have to take advantage of the multimedia opportunities that are available to you. This is where employer branding and recruiting videos come in. Here, we have gathered 8 great examples of employer videos that your company can take inspiration from or pattern itself after.

#1: The Shoe Company – Use Employee Testimonials

In this video by The Shoe Company, actual employees give first-hand testimonials as to how it is like to work for the company. Its simple and persuasive, Employees talk about the career opportunities and working environments that the company provides for them. This establishes a sense of personal connection and trust between the people in the video and the potential recruits who are watching it.

#2: Gorilla – Depict Company Culture

In this ad by a web-development, e-commerce company called Gorilla, the content not merely focuses on what products or jobs the company can offer, but the culture that molds the minds of the people there. It’s very important to give your audience proper perspective on the system and culture of a working environment.

#3: Starbucks – Target Your Specific Audience

Here is an employer branding video from Starbucks, The video is focused on students and graduates looking to start their career, Video depicts how Starbucks is a great place to learn and grow. Video features interns and employees as stars of the video. It’s a very personal and targeted approach to employer videos. Check it out:

#4: Apple – Show How Your Company Is Different

In this recruitment video, Apple takes advantage of the popularity of its products. Apple knows that its products appeal to so many people, and they give potential recruits an inside look as to how these products are made. They also manage to present the opportunities for potential employees to actually work on future ground-breaking merchandise that the company might produce.

#5: Shopify – Keep It Fresh and Natural

This recruitment video by Shopify is very well done. Notice how it all seems very natural and fresh. The testimonials that the employees give don’t seem scripted and forced. This is a timeless recruitment ad that they can choose to run any time they are hiring.

#6: Hubspot – Give an Inside Look

In this video, software company Hubspot takes recruitment videos to a new level, by actually incorporating footage of the actual working environment and giving potential recruits an inside look as to what working for the company will be like. Companies that incorporate unconventional, fresh, and creative working environments in their offices can use this technique to their advantage.

#7: Google – Show Unique Benefits of Working With Your Company

The industry giants over at Google use this video to recruit potential employees. The video specifically highlights the unique strengths and benefits that only Google can offer its employees. More than that, employees actually discuss the exciting projects that Google commissions them to do.

#8: Humana – Keep it Short and Include a Call To Action

The reason why this recruitment ad by Humana is admirable is because of its length. A minute and a half is just enough time for you to get your message across without falling into the whims of your audience losing attention. Also, notice how towards the end of the video, the people in the ad actually give direct instructions as to how candidates can apply for a career at their company. This is something you might want to take note of.

There you have it! These were examples from multi-national companies as well as start-up businesses, and they all carried important principles and lessons in their recruitment ventures that you should be taking note of. If you found this useful, don’t forget to Tweet, Like, or Share this article.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.


  1. […] showing off some personality, culture, art and creativity in your video presentations. These serve as the first impressions of your company. You better make it count. For reference, you […]

  2. Rob September 13, 2015 at 11:13 am - Reply

    Hey Jet,

    some good examples, but the companies should focus on authenticity. Candidates aren`t stupid and a list of praises about the company is not credible anymore. A lot of recruiting videos exaggerate.

    But the reason for that is a general problem in marketing & advertising:
    They idea and work of agencies & producers in contrast to the ideas of the company`s management. If the agency doesn`t insists and fights for the core of the idea, the CEOs destroy the concept and it becomes a bad result.

    Anyways, in one recruiting video from Bayer AG I found on the website http://recruiting-videos.net/ employees are even talking about overtime hours. That`s one step in the right direction…

    Best regards

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