B2B Content Development: In-House, Outsource, and A Little Bit of Dr. Seuss

In their 2014 B2B statistics report, the Content Marketing Institute found that among B2B companies, 56 percent created exclusively in-house content. 1 percent used only outsourced content. 43 percent of B2B companies utilized both in-house and outsourced resources for creating content.

As B2B companies strive to stay relevant in 2015, quality content is key to growth and success. Developing great content on a consistent basis, as well as securing someone who is committed to the process,can prove to be a challenge in the B2B industry. But with some thought and research, the best method can be employed in order to produce the most effective results.

B2B Companies Have Choices

Freedom abounds in the business world when it comes to B2B content development. As an expert, when you realize you can “steer yourself any direction you choose” (thank you, Dr. Seuss), opportunities seem endless. Oh, the places you’ll go when you have a solid content strategy, a quality website, and a vision for content development.

Maybe your company already has a competent, committed in-house content marketer with a gift for getting the job done. It is possible that you have it all together, with funds allocated, the time to spend, and all of the resources you need at your disposal. If so, you’re off to great places!

But if that is not you, and you are too busy, understaffed or have unequipped staff, or the results just are not showing, it may be time to outsource your B2B content development. There are pros to this option, including:

  • Outsourcing your B2B content development can save your staff time
  • Outsourcing your B2B content development can save your business money
  • Outsourcing your B2B content development can produce quality results

Is Outsourcing Right For Your Company?

There are some questions to ask before you venture out and hire someone to handle content development.

  1. First, has there been success in the past when utilizing an in-house content developer? Have the projected goals been reached? If not, is there someone else on staff who is skilled enough for the task?
  2. Does the budget allow for an outsourcing of content?
  3. Are you looking for someone to do all of the content development, or just provide creative ideas and delivery?

Pros and Cons

There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches when it comes to B2B content development. Outsourcing can save you the time and energy that couldbe directed toward other tasks; at the same time, an outside content developer may not be motivated by the same passion as someone internally, who understands the mission of your company.

The last thing you want when you seek to develop quality, relevant content is fluff. Mass-produced filler material is not worth the time you will save by allocating the task to an outside source.

Hiring an in-house B2B content developer holds the advantage of using a content developer with the same knowledge of the industry, the same passion to see results, and (hopefully) the same work ethic required to move toward the goals of your business.

If your B2B business does not have the option of using an in-house expert, whether due to lack of expertise or the amount of staff members, outsourcing may be the better choice.

No matter the content development route you take, keep relevant content at the center. When the needs of your audience fail to be addressed or the content becomes recycled space-filler, it is time for a change. Maybe the best route for your company is to outsource all content, or part of it, or maybe you keep it all in-house. Either method can be effective when you weigh all the options and make the best decision for your company.

Remember that you are the expert in your industry; you are the one who knows your business. And in the words of the great doctor, “you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go!”

What method does your B2B business use in order to develop great content? Is it working?

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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