Building Your Blog Stash: 51 Posts You Should Write for Content Marketing Success

To blog or not to blog? That is NOT the question.

It really isn’t. There’s no argument against blogging as a marketing tool for businesses, no matter what industry you’re in, regardless of what products or services you’re selling. A lot of the buzz has been about the benefits of blogging for businesses, including:

  • 47% of buyers read 3-5 blog posts before considering a purchase
  • Businesses that use blogs get 67% more leads
  • Marketers that prioritize blogging get 13x higher ROI
  • Blogs are considered to be the 5th most accurate source of information online
  • Once you reach the 51 posts milestone, blog traffic goes up by 53%

Focus your attention on that last bullet point: blog traffic increases by at least 53% after publishing your 51st blog post. This means that you have to be prolific in writing blog articles from the get-go in order to enjoy the benefit of increased traffic sooner rather than later.

You know what they say, when there’s traffic, there’s an opportunity — opportunity to engage more people, get more leads, and generate more sales.

How About Writer’s Block?

Of course, this is easier said than done. At an average of one blog post per week, a typical business will take almost a year before reaching that 51 published blog posts mark (there are 52 weeks in one year). If you want to reap the business benefits of blogging within a shorter time frame, you have to write and publish more.

However, for blogging beginners, coming up with topic ideas doesn’t come that easy.

If you’re faced with the same problem, this is what you need to realize: you don’t have to recreate the wheel! There have been thousands of blog posts published online and they fall under the same topic categories. You don’t have to invent something from scratch. By following these trends and patterns, you will find yourself having a robust content marketing stash in no time.

Topic Ideas to Get You Started

To help jumpstart your blog, here are 51 blog post topics that you can write about. Again, these topics are applicable across all industries. It doesn’t matter what your brand is or what you’re selling. Therefore, they will be applicable to you.

Without further ado, here are 51 blog topic ideas you can use to build your content marketing stash, plus an example for each:

  1. List Post (“5 Tips for Blogging Beginners”)
  2. Amazing Anecdote (“This is How We Went from Having 0 Blog Post to Having 51 Blog Posts in Less Than a Month”)
  3. Counterintuitive Results Post (“How We Achieved Blogging Success When We Stopped Trying to Be Creative”)
  4. Quintessential How-To Post (“How to Publish 51 Blog Posts in Less Than 30 Days”)
  5. “I Wish I Knew” Post (“51 Blog Topic Ideas I Wish I Knew When I Was Starting”)
  6. The 101 Post (“Blogging 101: What Every Engaging Blog Post Needs to Have”)
  7. Case Study Post (“How LeadsPanda Published 51 Blog Posts in Under 60 Days”)
  8. Roundup Post (“What 10 Blogging Experts Say About Writing More Frequently”)
  9. Prediction Post (“Why We Think Blogging Will Grow Bigger in 2019”)
  10. Infographic Post (“Infographic: 51 Blog Topics for Content Marketing Success”)
  11. Rules Post (“The 10 Rules Highly Effective Bloggers Follow”)
  12. Hacks Post (“10 Hacks to Help You A More Productive Blogger”)
  13. Q&A Post (“Q&A: A Conversation with John Doe About Blogging”)
  14. Research/Survey Post (“We Asked LeadsPanda Subscribers How Often They Blog — You Will Be Shocked with The Results”)
  15. FAQ Post (“Frequently Asked Question About B2B Blogging”)
  16. Checklist Post (“A 10-Point Checklist for Better Blogging”)
  17. Series Posts (“How to Publish 51 Blog Posts in Under 60 Days Part 1: Mapping Out Your Topics”)
  18. Stats Post (“10 Eye-Opening Business Blogging Statistics You Should Know About”)
  19. Quotes Post (“Words of Wisdom from 10 Blogging Experts”)
  20. People to Follow Post (“10 Blogging Gurus You Should Follow on Social Media”)
  21. Ultimate Guide Post (“The Ultimate Guide to Business Blogging for Beginners”)
  22. The Unbelievable Numbers Post (“How LeadsPanda Got 1,000 New Leads in Under 30 Days through Daily Blogging”)
  23. Conspiracy Theory Post (“What So-Called Content Marketing Experts Are Not Telling You About B2C Blogging”)
  24. Problem/Solution Post (“Wish You Can Write More Blog Posts? Here are 51 Blog Post Ideas to Get You Started”)
  25. Contest Post (“Tell Us Why You Need Help with Your Content Marketing and Win A Free Consultation”)
  26. Trends Post (“More Buyers Are Reading Blogs Before They Purchase — Here’s What It Means for Your Business”)
  27. Review Post (“A Review of BuzzSumo When Researching for Trending Blog Topics”)
  28. Outlining A Process (“How We Come Up with 10 New Blog Topics Every Day”)
  29. Should Ask Question (SAQ) Post (“10 Questions You Should Ask Your Content Marketing Consultant”)
  30. Origin Story (“How I Started Publishing One Blog Post Per Day for One Year”)
  31. News-Based Post (“Google Just Released New SEO Guidelines for Blog Posts”)
  32. Guest Post (“Guest Post: John Doe Talks About Business Blogging Best Practices”)
  33. Resource Guide Post (“The Ultimate Resource Guide to Writing More Blog Posts”)
  34. Conference Recap (“Key Takeaways from the Recent Blogging Summit”)
  35. Personal Story (“What Climbing A Mountain Taught Me About Content Marketing”)
  36. Refreshed Post (“Updated: 2018 Guide to B2B Blogging”)
  37. “Busting the Myth” Post (“Busting 10 Myths About Content Marketing”)
  38. Criticism Post (“What We Don’t Like About WordPress’ New Interface”)
  39. Reaction or Opinion Post (“Our Reaction to John Doe’s Recent Statement About The State of Content Marketing”)
  40. Favorite List Post (“Our Top 10 Favorite Tools for Blogging”)
  41. Preview Post (“What You Can Expect from the Upcoming Google Blog Algorithm Update”)
  42. Seasonal/Occasion-Based Post (“10 New Year Blogging Resolutions You Should Make”)
  43. Behind-the-Scenes Post (“Watch How We Brainstorm Blog Topic Ideas at LeadsPanda”)
  44. What We’ve Learned Since We Started Post (“What We’ve Learned Since We Started Blogging Daily”)
  45. Change/Effect Post (“What the New Change in Google’s Blog Indexing Algorithm Mean for Your Business”)
  46. Goals Post (“Want to Become A Successful Content Marketer? Here’s What You Should Do”)
  47. Video Post (“Watch John Doe Talks About Top Blogging Success Secrets”)
  48. Timeline Post (“Here’s How We Published 365 Blog Posts In One Year”)
  49. Curated Post (“A Collection of 51 Blog Posts You Should Read If You Want to Be a Better Content Marketer”)
  50. Humorous Post (“51 Blog Posts You Can Write in 10 Days so You Can Be a Lazy Ass for the Rest of the Year”)
  51. Freebie Post (“Free Template: The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post”)

Ready, Set, Blog!

As with any other aspect of content marketing, the most challenging part of blog marketing is not knowing where to start. These 51 blog post topic ideas should help you overcome this hurdle and allow you to publish consistently over the next few weeks. More importantly, it should help you reach the ideal quantity to get more traffic and more opportunities to generate more leads and sales.

Take note: these are just 51 blog post ideas out of the many more out there. So, don’t feel that you will run out after finishing this list. Plus, these 51 ideas can be multiplied because you can write several posts for each.

If you need more help jump-starting a blog for your business, you can reach out to us. We can discuss how LeadsPanda can provide a tailor fit solution for your content requirements.

In the meantime, if you found the information useful, feel free to comment below and share this post on social media.

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.


  1. […] like the content topics and formats we’ll be focusing on (e.g. case studies, webinars, podcasts, blog posts, guest […]

  2. […] businesses find that they have plenty of ideas for the first couple of months when crafting content. After that, these begin to dry up and the […]

  3. […] customers. But no matter how big your company is or what stage of business you’re at, constantly churning out effective content can be […]

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