2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

The Changing Landscape of B2B Marketing: 3 Ways to Keep Up

It often seems that technology and innovation move faster than an industry is able to keep up. B2B companies are continually forced to reevaluate strategy in order to stay current and remain relevant with customers who are more and more conducting their own research in order to make more informed decisions. In order to remain

2024-11-07T09:31:50+00:000 Comments

The State of B2B Marketing 2015: Regalix Report

B2B marketing is its own unique industry, made up of a variety of tactics and strategies which are constantly changing in dominance and popularity. Social media outlets, advanced technology, and a more digitally connected society are all factors which contribute to an ever-changing landscape making up the B2B marketing world. After surveying B2B marketing executives

2024-11-07T09:44:10+00:000 Comments

Using Webinars to Engage Your B2B Audience

B2B professionals know that the business-to-business marketing landscape is different than the business-to-consumer industry. For B2B marketers, sales cycles are longer, single purchases tote a hefty price tag, and multiple decision makers can make for a more detailed process. Because of these facts, the marketing approach for B2B must look different than tactics used in

2024-11-07T10:00:00+00:000 Comments

Ideas for Creating Good Quality Infographics for B2B Marketing

Content marketing for B2B has a life of its own. The combination of whitepapers, e-newsletters, podcasts, videos, and social media brings with it a variety of mediums in which customers can be reached. Marketers have an abundance of resources at their disposal, and even more so in an age of advanced technology and communication. The

2024-11-07T11:19:15+00:001 Comment

5 B2B Marketing Blogs You Should Read

In today’s technologically advanced and social media-driven world, there is certainly no shortage of B2B industry blogs. When written professionally, these short spurts of information aimed at industry professionals can contain a wealth of information which marketers can use in their own quest for engaging content. A recent Bing search of “best B2B blogs” came

2024-11-07T12:05:54+00:000 Comments

Writing Great Content for the Right Audience

Marketers hear a lot in this industry about creating relevant B2B content and connecting with our audience. There are times what that task is easier said than done. Blame writer’s block or lack of inspiration, but the fact remains that if content marketers want to draw in readers and researchers in order to guide them

2024-11-07T12:05:18+00:001 Comment

3 Reasons to Use YouTube in Your B2B Content Marketing Approach

Personalized content remains a key element as a B2B marketing tactic. If an audience is not engaged and cannot picture themselves as a part of the scenario, they will turn their attention elsewhere. Technology has changed the way buyers do research, and marketing videos are no exception. Much of information needed to make a buying

2024-11-10T18:19:31+00:001 Comment

Is B2B Case Study Writing Still Relevant?

The B2B industry is bursting at the seams with options for creating content; the evolution of technology has added a new set of arsenal that B2B content marketers can utilize to hit the target and make the sale. Social media, email newsletters, and podcasts are just a few of the ways B2B content marketers are

2024-11-10T18:36:00+00:000 Comments

B2B Marketing and Millennials: Get Real, Tell the Story

Thrifty shoppers. Hipster lingo. Socially conscious. Tech-savvy and always plugged in. if you have not guessed it by now, these are all words that have been used to describe the millennial generation, those youngsters born after 1980 and the force driving a new type of marketing. The approach millennials take to buying products as consumers

2024-11-10T18:43:26+00:000 Comments

If I Could Turn Back Time: Nostalgia in Marketing for B2B

Anyone who engages on social media channels has likely seen the #TBT. Call it what you will-throwback Thursday, turn back time-we love sharing glimpses into the “good old days” through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  There is a reason we love comparing the years past with where we are today, and as the Beatles crooned it

2024-11-11T05:54:55+00:000 Comments
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