How much is a blog post from a content marketing agency?

As far as content marketing goes, blogging is definitely a must. However, it goes beyond so much more than just putting your thoughts on paper and publishing it. If you want your blog posts to establish your brand authority, engage your audiences, and ultimately, drive more revenue, you have to do it right.

This is why a lot of organizations seek the help of professionals when it comes to crafting content. This ensures there is a strategy supporting every post that’s published, that it’s relevant, engaging, and inspires action. So, if you’re asking about how much a blog post would cost if it was produced by a content marketing agency, the simple answer is that it’s not going to be as cheap if you produced it yourself. On the other hand, at the end of the day, you get more return on your investment. Does that make sense? Let me explain…

Let’s say you’re a small business owner. Given your size, you don’t necessarily have the liberty to delegate and assign all the tasks required to run your business. You wear many hats. In addition to actually overseeing and running your company, you’re also responsible for managing your brand’s marketing. That alone is already costing your business money. Think about it. When you’re handling content marketing yourself, you have to:

  • Shell out a couple of hundred dollars monthly for your site hosting.
  • Dedicate time, effort, and brain power towards producing posts.
  • Pay for a separate platform to ensure your content is being delivered to your audience.

Between writing, editing, researching, designing, coding, and making sure your posts are marketed effectively, that’s a lot of executive time and company budget that could otherwise be dedicated to just one content marketing partner who can do everything for you.

Additionally, you’re not just paying for a straight up blog post. A content marketing agency knows how to effectively optimize a post so you can maximize all the content you publish. This includes:

  • Optimizing posts for search engines to boost searchability.
  • Ensuring subject matter is aligned with brand objectives and core audience.
  • Providing actionable next steps.
  • Creating clear points of engagement that will boost conversion rates.
  • Sharing and marketing the posts to ensure that they get read and shared.

Keep in mind that finding the right strategy for effective content marketing requires a bit of trial and error. So, if you’re already spread too thin running the business, adding content marketing and making sure it’s effective can take its toll on your business’ revenue.

Bottom line…

There’s a lot that goes into creating shareable and relevant content than simply typing up your thoughts and publishing it. Sure, doing this yourself may be cheaper, but it will come at the cost of wasted time and money. And when you have limited resources, you want to be able to maximize efforts as much as you can. 

Hope this answer helps! Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions. 

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About the Author: Prafull Sharma

Prafull is the Founder of LeadsPanda and author of the One-Page Content Marketing Blueprint. He shares tips to 2x your content marketing results on LeadsPanda blog.

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