How to Build Brand Awareness and Authority to Attract Potential Customers

A big part of your brand’s success is rooted in whether your customers recognize your brand and can differentiate it from your competition. 

Staying top-of-mind among your customers is not an easy task, however—especially in an era where online buzz is easy to start and information is so easy to disseminate. So, how can you ensure that your target customers are familiar with your brand and your product or service? 

Let’s explore how you can build brand awareness and authority to attract potential customers. 

1.  Start by giving your brand a personality

To build brand awareness, you have to stand out. To create a brand that is memorable, you have to establish its own personality and voice. 

The key to being noticed is to identify and tune your brand’s authentic voice and find a way to make that relevant among your core audience so it resonates.  

There are several ways to establish your brand voice. Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to leverage someone’s network and appeal to their audience so you can introduce your product or service. This strategy is especially useful for brands that target younger demographics that use social media the most and get maximum exposure for content creators. 

Content marketing is another effective strategy that can help inform audiences of your brand personality through high-quality content that encourages engagement and boosts brand awareness. Make sure to add video content to effectively capture your target audience’s attention. One of the most effective forms of media today, video can help add engagement and increase brand recognition. 

As of 2020, 83.3% of internet users in the US accessed digital video content. (Image Source)

2. Build a network anchored on genuine sincerity

Research shows that more than 50% of brand reputation is established from online sociability. 

Don’t just try to build brand awareness and your network simply because you intend to pitch your products and services. If you do, your brand won’t be known as anything beyond a singular intention to sell to people.  

Raising awareness for your brand requires you to build your network in the most relevant way possible. Create content that your audience values and curate material your followers will appreciate. Talk to your audience and interact with them by asking questions, commenting on posts, retweeting and sharing content that is aligned with your brand personality and values. Treat your brand as if it’s a person trying to make friends, instead of a business trying to make money.

3. Tell a story

Don’t craft content in a silo. Always craft content that’s backed by a cohesive narrative. Tell a story—whether you’re marketing services or promoting your brand. This will give your readers something real to relate with and defines your brand personality.  

You want to humanize your business beyond being just a brand. The goal is to give your business depth and establish a sense of authenticity that can help boost brand interest and charisma. 

4. Make everything you create easy to share

Whatever you create, write, produce, or promote, make sure it’s easy for your audience to share. From blog posts to original videos, social media posts, or even product pages, make sure it’s all shareable with a simple click. 

Word of mouth marketing is one of the best ways to build trust and familiarity about your brand among customers. If a customer recommends a product or service, people in their network are more likely to read and research about it or try it out.

A recommendation is a powerful way to get others to pay attention to what you’re saying because it comes from someone they trust. It says, “this is a business worth looking into.” It shows you  have products people can rely on and prompts people to review your social media accounts and learn more about what you’re talking about. 

By making it easy to post and repost your content, your loyal following can help you boost brand awareness and create a bigger impact for your business. It also gives you an opportunity to interact with your audience in ways that aren’t simply rooted in making money.

5. Expand your reach through new strategies

Putting together a straightforward yet powerful brand awareness strategy and implementing it is critical. One of the best ways to increase brand awareness with minimal effort is through guest blogging.

This helps introduce you to new audiences that likely share the same interests and values. You can maximize your organic traffic and get more eyes on your brand while sharing useful, relevant information about your brand that helps define your brand personality and build awareness about your company. 

  • Co-marketing, a method where you work together with a brand that has a related product, is also a great opportunity to build brand awareness. For instance, if you’re a company that sells road bikes, working with a brand that sells cycling safety gear is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of each other’s core following and highlight who you are and what you have to offer. 
  •  Sponsoring events is also a great way to get your brand in front of a wider and bigger audience. It allows you to attach your brand to an event that matches your personality, your values, interests, passions, aesthetic, and character.

When you make an effort to market your products and services based on a distinct brand personality, it will inevitably help build brand awareness because your brand voice will help you stand out. Mixing your traditional marketing efforts with brand awareness efforts can make a massive difference which you can start to track through metrics like direct traffic, traffic numbers, and social engagement. 

Give these strategies a try and you’ll start to build a loyal following who appreciates your unique voice and will readily choose you over competition. 

If you want to learn more, reach out to us. Book a consultation or get started with Leadspanda to find out how we can help you. 

For any questions, leave a comment below or check out our LinkedIn or Twitter.   

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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  1. […] brand voice should be chosen based on what your audience responds to best. So, while a constantly shifting tone may capture the […]

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