Ideas for Creating Good Quality Infographics for B2B Marketing

Content marketing for B2B has a life of its own. The combination of whitepapers, e-newsletters, podcasts, videos, and social media brings with it a variety of mediums in which customers can be reached. Marketers have an abundance of resources at their disposal, and even more so in an age of advanced technology and communication.

The 2015 industry-wide survey of over 1,800 B2B marketers, put out by MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute, found that infographics had the greatest increase as a tactic, with a jump from 51% to 62% over the course of a year. As marketers continue to create more content than ever, one of the challenges which remains is the regular creation of engaging content. You may feel more skilled in the writing department than the art department, and maybe you are fortunate to have a graphic designer on staff. For those of us in the B2B industry who are not as lucky, one way to produce engaging content is through the design of an attractive and well-designed infographic.

Visual Content Equals Engagement and Education

An infographic for your B2B marketing purposes can provide potential buyers with an eye-catching resource which they can use to educate themselves about your product, company, or business mission. Content marketers know they should be:

  1. Relevant-If the audience cannot relate, they will not care to read anything you have to offer.
  2. Engaging-Bring potential buyers along and allow them to see themselves in your story.
  3. Concise-Do not drag on and on with a sales pitch. You have a few moments at most with an audience, and it is up to you to make the most of that time.

Take a look at some of these sites dedicated to the development of infographics and see if they do not inspire some creativity for your marketing infographics:

  • Piktochart: Browse over 400 fully customizable themes and allow the site to take you step-by-step through the process of creating an infographic to suit your marketing needs.
  • am: Choose a template, add images/icons/charts, publish and share. Search infographics already created on site for more inspiration.
  • Wordle: Generate word clouds from your own text. Play around with fonts, colors, and various layouts, then save and use in content marketing.
  • PowerPoint: Download free infographic templates at HubSpot, then get to work on this program you probably already have on your operating system.
  • 99designs: 99designs is a crowdsourcing platform for designers to create client-specific graphics. It’s pricier compared to the previous options but if you’re looking for top-notch quality and unlimited customization, 99designs is a great choice.

Creating Infographics Is Simpler Than You Think

Contrary to what content markets may believe, creating infographics does not require a great deal of experience in graphic design, or any experience at all. Do your research and secure data so you have a story to tell. The visuals should be to-the-point and direct, relaying to your audience the culture of your company through the colors and graphics you choose. Use these fantastic infographics you have created on social media posts and in emails for an audience that is waiting for your expertise and knowledge.

The challenge of creating relevant and engaging content may always be present for B2B marketers, but it is not impossible. There are countless numbers of infographics available, so the key is to make sure the one you design stands out and catches your audience’s attention. The options are endless; whether it’s charts, graphs, timelines, modern designs, flowcharts, or something of your own design, good quality infographics for B2B content is possible. As B2B marketing continues to evolve and adjust with technological advances, attractive visual content remains relevant.

Have you had experience in creating infographics for your B2B company? What resources have you found to be helpful for B2B content marketing tactics?

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

One Comment

  1. […] Infographics is a relatively newcomer in the world of digital content marketing. However, it’s positive impact in driving results is already well documented. […]

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