Insightful Content Marketing Statistics to Drive Your Strategy

To understand the scale and value that content creation has for marketing overall, you need to take a look at the numbers. We gathered and reviewed the most up-to-date data that explains content marketing by the numbers to help illustrate the impact it has on our ever-evolving industry. 

 We’ve divided the different figures into key segments that are most influential in how we do business. Let’s take a look at the most important and relevant statistics below.

General Blogging Statistics

1. More than 409 million people visit more than 20 billion blog pages monthly. 

According to WordPress, there are more than 409 million people who read blog posts monthly. What does this imply? That blogging is not dead. Even today, blogs, along with social media content, can work to help businesses build awareness about their brands and keep them informed. 


2. Businesses with a blog get 97% more links to their websites.

Whenever a credible and authoritative website links to a page on your website, whether it’s a blog post or a page, your site is poised to reap great SEO benefits. Maintaining a blog and making sure that it has high-quality content, while consistently publishing, makes it so much easier for businesses to attract the attention of prominent, credible sites that can help boost your brand.

3. Blogs are recognized as the 5th most trusted source for accurate information online.

In the early days of blogging and even inbound marketing, the impact of blogs to influence and convince wasn’t taken too seriously. As the industry evolved, blogging became one of the most trusted sources of information online. Of course, this is also why the quality of your blogs should always be a priority. It’s hard to convince people of your blog’s credibility if your posts are riddled with typos and errors. So, always pay careful attention to how you craft your posts.

Audience Behavior

4. Around 15% of customers in the US are mobile-only users.

This means optimizing your site—especially your content for mobile devices—is crucial, especially if you’re trying to reach and engage a younger demographic.

5. 49% of bloggers say that getting traffic and attracting visitors is one of their biggest challenges.


This speaks to the diversity of content platforms that content marketers can use today and the variety of ways by which they can deliver their message. Given all the options and short attention spans of today’s audience, it’s getting harder to capture the attention and engage target audiences. How does this impact how you should approach your content marketing?

By making sure that you diversify your content to address the evolving needs of your audience. Don’t just stick to blogging, explore other mediums and platforms as well.

6. 43% of people skim blog posts

Presenting content as a big wall of text is never a good idea. It tends to turn people off and gives the impression that your material is boring and hard to read. Remember that close to half of the people who read blogs only skim content. This is why you should pay attention to how you format your posts. 

  • Write short, bite-sized sentences that are easy to read. 
  • Format your text in bullets that allow eyes to skim. 
  • Highlight important text and incorporate relevant media into your content such as videos or images.

Content Marketing ROI

7. Email marketing has a great return on investment (ROI), clocking in $36 for each dollar spent.

Email marketing, to date, remains the most effective method to promote content. Contrary to reports that email is dead due to more sophisticated spam filters, advertising content via email has never been more effective than it is now.

Emailers and newsletters are essentially a brand’s direct line to their consumers. It’s the best way you can inform your customers of what’s new and what they can look forward to about your brand—and it’s one of the most effective ways to nurture customer relationships. Investing the time, money, and effort towards email marketing should definitely be a part of your overall marketing toolkit.

8. Businesses that blog get 126% higher lead growth than businesses that don’t.

Some business leaders have the impression that it’s nice to have a blog, more so than a blog being non-negotiable for businesses. But given the return on investment that maintaining a blog can have for your business, it would be silly to ignore all the potential benefits of a blog simply because you feel like it’s too much work.

If it’s not already part of your overall content marketing strategy, then you should definitely add it. If you already have a blog, it’s time to ramp up efforts to make sure you’re following benchmark practices to maximize the benefits. 

Future of Content Marketing

9. 72% of content marketers plan to invest in video this year and onwards. 

The popularity of Tiktok and the continued popularity of video is giving businesses an opportunity to really focus on developing their video content. Video remains an effective way to generate leads and is one of the best ways to capture the attention of your core audience and engage them. Video has been known to help boost sales, brand awareness, and keep core audiences informed. It offers an engaging visual platform that is preferred by customers.

10. Close to half of businesses outsource content marketing tasks. 

Content marketing requires a lot of resources. Simply developing content following a standard of quality and consistency can take a lot of time and effort. To that end, a lot of businesses outsource content marketing so they can focus on running the business. Outsourcing content marketing functions where you need more experience and a higher level of expertise, such as copywriting or graphic design, or video production, can help you focus on your core competencies. 

How do you think these statistics will impact your own content marketing efforts? Share your insight or send in your questions via the comment section below. If you want to learn more, reach out to us. Book a consultation or get started with LeadsPanda to find out how we can help you. 

For any questions, leave a comment below or check out our LinkedIn or Twitter.   

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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