Top 8 Conversion Optimization Statistics That You Should Know  

We’re finally at the mid-year mark of 2016–and it’s about time that we round up some of the numbers that will help us understand how the ecommerce industry and the marketers behind them continue to drive businesses forward.

We’re letting the numbers speak for themselves—here’s a look at the top conversion optimization statistics that can help you figure out what we can look forward to for the remainder of the year.

1. The top 5 online retailers are using A/B testing


2. An average of 67.75% of all online shopping carts are abandoned.

Source: Baymard Institute 

3. Believe it or not, 63% of marketers optimize sites based on intuition and best practices.

Source: CrazyEgg

4. 85% marketers plan to focus more on conversion rate optimization in 2016.

Source: Demandmetric

5. Approximately 14% of online shoppers indicated that forcing them to log in to complete a purchase was sufficient reason for them to abandon the process

Source. WordStream

6. Poor A/B testing methodologies are costing online retailers up to $13bn a year in lost revenue.

Source: Qubit

7.  28% of shoppers will abandon their shopping cart if presented with unexpected shipping costs.

Source: Kissmetrics

8. Only 22% of businesses are satisfied with their current conversion rate.

Source: Econsultancy

With this brief list of conversion optimization statistics, you can get a pretty clear picture of where the industry is headed. But what do you think? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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About the Author: Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

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