About Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

Transparency in B2B Social Media Marketing: New FTC Endorsement Guides

It isn’t news that B2B marketing can benefit greatly from a strong social media presence. Aside from connecting with customers and engaging with potential buyers, a social platform opens up new doors for opportunity and authority in the B2B industry. No matter if it is in the form of a blog post, Twitter post, or

2024-11-10T18:26:39+00:000 Comments

Is B2B Case Study Writing Still Relevant?

The B2B industry is bursting at the seams with options for creating content; the evolution of technology has added a new set of arsenal that B2B content marketers can utilize to hit the target and make the sale. Social media, email newsletters, and podcasts are just a few of the ways B2B content marketers are

2024-11-10T18:36:00+00:000 Comments

B2B Marketing and Millennials: Get Real, Tell the Story

Thrifty shoppers. Hipster lingo. Socially conscious. Tech-savvy and always plugged in. if you have not guessed it by now, these are all words that have been used to describe the millennial generation, those youngsters born after 1980 and the force driving a new type of marketing. The approach millennials take to buying products as consumers

2024-11-10T18:43:26+00:000 Comments

Social Media Examiner’s Annual Report: Facebook and LinkedIn Showdown

The 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report is out, compiled by Social Media Examiner for B2B and B2C professionals. Businesses with 2-100+ employees were represented, and just under half of survey participants were in the B2B business. The 7th annual study compiles the insight of over 3,500 B2C and B2B marketers on social media’s impact

2024-11-11T04:51:50+00:000 Comments

If I Could Turn Back Time: Nostalgia in Marketing for B2B

Anyone who engages on social media channels has likely seen the #TBT. Call it what you will-throwback Thursday, turn back time-we love sharing glimpses into the “good old days” through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  There is a reason we love comparing the years past with where we are today, and as the Beatles crooned it

2024-11-11T05:54:55+00:000 Comments

The Three Parts of the B2B Sales Funnel and Its Changing Shape

B2B content marketers are continually faced with the challenge of creating relevant, yet relatable, content for the purpose of drawing buyers in and keeping them engaged. Emphasis on lead generation and page ranks tends to overshadow brand awareness and an appreciation for one’s audience. As the industry has changed, so too has the opinion regarding

2024-11-11T06:09:18+00:000 Comments

B2B Mobile Marketing: Are You Connected?

All across the B2B industry, the use of social media and its level of effectiveness varies among marketers and salespeople. Experts continue to share opinion on the best recommended social media marketing tools, how to manage the social media and mobile realm, the best approach for success, and all the ways B2B marketers are failing

2024-11-11T06:48:54+00:000 Comments

3 Thing to Remember About the Future of B2B Sales

Anyone who does not live in a bubble is aware of the massive amounts of technology by which we are surrounded. In fact, even if one were to make residence in a bubble, it would probably have Wi-Fi capabilities and streaming services. In March of this year, Forrester Research analysts discussed the impact of e-commerce

2024-11-11T19:13:26+00:000 Comments

5 Tips To Rev Up Your B2B Lead Generation

Effective B2B lead generation often proves to be a challenging, if not mysterious, task for many marketers in today’s ever-evolving industry. If there were easy answers, the leads would be pouring in for every B2B business and little advice would exist on the topic of lead generation. However, generating high quality leads and converting those

2024-11-11T19:20:38+00:000 Comments

How to Connect With Your B2B Customers Through Social Media

Back in 2013, Forbes called on B2B marketers to “get real about social media” and engaging customers through those channels. 2 years later, the presence of social media has expanded even farther, with new opportunities always arising that allow content marketers to connect with users on a different level. Although the B2B industry is marked

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