About Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

Top B2B Tourism Industry Trends

The worldwide tourism industry accounted for $7 trillion in revenue in 2013, or 9.5% of the global economy, and was responsible for employing 266 million of the worldwide workforce. As the world continues to rebound from financial setbacks, the B2B tourism industry is becoming witness to changes that have the potential to impact companies in

2024-11-11T19:39:19+00:005 Comments

Real World B2B Marketing: Not an Episode of Mad Men

Any content marketer who has been in the B2B industry for any length of time understands how rapidly the industry can change. As customer needs, technology, and business practices evolve over time, so too does the need for company professionals to remain aware of the changes in B2B marketing. The B2B market is not like

2024-11-12T12:55:25+00:000 Comments

B2B Marketing and SEO: Do You Get It?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is not a new concept. The process of using keywords in content creation in order to maximize search results has been around in the marketing world for a while now. However, as technology changes, so too does the way B2B marketing for SEO is used in the industry. With a

2024-11-12T13:09:24+00:000 Comments

How to Create Amazing B2B Email Content

Remember the days of writing a letter, addressing an envelope, affixing a stamp, and sending it off? Although the era of communication via postal mail is not that far behind us, it almost seems archaic now. The evolution of email has changed how we communicate not only personally, but in the business world as well.

2024-11-12T13:19:21+00:000 Comments

How Storytelling Can Propel Your B2B Marketing

Americans live in a state of what has been described as “information overload”. Two-thirds of us own a smartphone and 29% of us claim it’s the first and last thing we look at on a typical day. In fact, adults across than 11 hours a day listening to the radio, using a phone, and watching

2024-11-12T13:25:49+00:000 Comments

Top Trends in B2B Marketing: Micro-Targeting

It’s been defined as “getting to know your audience”, “better understanding your target”, among other things. No matter what you call it, micro-targeting as a growing trend has been generating attention lately in B2B marketing circles. Broadly defined, micro-targeting basically means getting rid of your “one-to-many playbook” in order to customize and personalize marketing strategies

2024-11-14T04:15:48+00:000 Comments

B2B e-Commerce Growth Over the Next Five Years

The B2B industry, marked by its exchange of products, sharing of information, and providing of services between businesses, is projected to get bigger. Recent news and research has delivered some promising figures for the B2B e-commerce world, and it brings high profit predictions along with some necessary adjustments for marketers. B2B e-commerce growth is expected

2024-11-14T05:37:05+00:001 Comment

Professional Whitepapers Still Matter In B2B Marketing

Technology has replaced much of how businesses communicate, track leads, and close sales. Information is instant, accessible, and almost entirely digital. No more cold calling or annoying unsolicited mail; when B2B buyers are gathering information for a product, they should have everything they need with the click of a keyboard (which is a huge relief

2024-11-14T06:19:13+00:000 Comments

How to Drive ROI With B2B Content Marketing

In an industry filled with the challenges of long sales cycles, multiple decision-makers at the helm, and an extended closing process, the B2B industry is both unique and demanding. Included in these demands is the measurement of your company’s ROI, or return on investment. As the ROI Guy tells us, a B2B content marketing approach

2024-11-18T04:35:33+00:000 Comments

B2B Lead Scoring: Making It Work for You

You probably do not need a long explanation when it comes to discussing B2B lead scoring. The basic practice is most likely familiar to you, yet it seems so many B2B companies utilize the lead scoring system on a causal basis or with little thought to where a potential lead actually is in the decision-making

2024-11-18T04:43:04+00:000 Comments
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