2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

Facebook Recruiting Lessons From The Military

If you are already recruiting from Facebook or planning to do so, you will be accessing as much data and information as possible about how other businesses are doing it. You will be analyzing the trends and your competitors. However, there is one organization that you might be overlooking in your Facebook recruiting study: The

2024-07-10T18:11:36+00:000 Comments

How To Utilize Facebook Graph Search For Recruiting

What Is Facebook Graph Search and How Does It Work? With the introduction of Graph Search, Facebook has revolutionized the search feature of the mammoth social networking site. Facebook Graph Search allows users to streamline and fine-tune their searches whether they’re looking for people, photos, events, interests, personal information, or basic fusions of these. If

2024-08-11T17:50:05+00:004 Comments

5 Reasons Every Recruiter Should Consider Facebook Advertising

With the advancement of technology and social media, companies are presented with whole new mediums to conduct business. Social Media has given us the opportunity to connect with so many people. One particular Social phenomenon that you shouldn’t overlook for your recruitment efforts is Facebook. Facebook recruitment is potentially the new wave of the future

2024-08-12T18:25:37+00:000 Comments

13 Ways Facebook Recruiting Will Benefit Your Company

As what we continuously repeat here on our HireRabbit blog, the use of social media in business ventures is a very special opportunity that every company, whether big or small, should take advantage of. Oftentimes, when dealing with recruitment responsibilities, the use of social media can prove to be both an efficient and effective measure.

2024-08-13T03:45:06+00:000 Comments

12 Ways To Promote Your Facebook Career Site Tab On A Budget

You’ve just created a career site on Facebook in your company’s pursuit for the best and brightest minds. How exactly do you attract these minds? Well, first you have to make sure that your career site tab doesn’t get caught up among all the other custom apps you have on your page. Sometimes, promoting your

2024-08-13T03:56:17+00:002 Comments

6 Reasons Why Your Facebook Fan Base Is Not Growing

Is your Facebook fan page not growing at a pace you expected? Are you looking at ways to engage more people with your fan page? Then read on. Facebook is an excellent place to connect with your audience, spread the good word about your business, and drive traffic to your blog, website or career pages.

2024-08-14T06:38:07+00:002 Comments

7 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Social Media Recruiting

The vast expansion of social media has created a tremendous impact on our culture and the way we do business. From social networking to recruiting, social media has changed the manner in which employers market their companies and recruit their best hires. It only makes sense with millions of people communicating through social media daily

2024-08-15T04:07:19+00:001 Comment

7 Social Media Recruiting Tips from Top Experts

Are you looking for some new ideas to simplify your social media recruiting? Do you wonder how to use social media to attract, engage and hire candidates? We asked the pros for one social recruiting tip businesses need to know today. Here’s their advice to help you pump up your social media recruiting

2024-08-16T10:05:48+00:006 Comments

How to Convert a Personal Facebook Profile to a Business Page

Update 2024: Previously, Facebook permitted users to transform their Personal Profile into a Business Page by automatically creating a page using existing information and converting profile friends into page fans. Regrettably, this feature is no longer available. Instead, you have 2 options: Switch to professional mode on Facebook (suitable for  digital creators, solopreneurs, or

2024-07-12T10:29:12+00:0087 Comments

21 Examples of Facebook Career Page Covers from Successful Brands

Successful brands seem to simply love the Facebook cover feature. And why not, cover photo is an excellent opportunity to show off your employer brand image for a distinguished appeal. On Facebook fan page your brand interacts exclusively with fans, candidates, employees and admirers. Therefore you get to promote your employer image in front of

2024-08-16T08:15:17+00:0017 Comments
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