2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

Facebook Fan Page Timeline Image Dimension and Cheat-sheet [ Infographic ]

A picture is worth a thousand words, but did you know that on Facebook a post with a picture is worth 53 percent more likes and 120 percent more engagement than the average post? Today more and more of Facebook’s 1 billion users are engaging with appealing visual content. Good images are a critical step

2024-08-14T12:58:41+00:004 Comments

7 Key Mistakes to Avoid in Social Media Recruiting

The vast expansion of social media has created a tremendous impact on our culture and the way we do business. From social networking to recruiting, social media has changed the manner in which employers market their companies and recruit their best hires. It only makes sense with millions of people communicating through social media daily

2024-08-15T04:07:19+00:001 Comment

Do You Need to Implement Social Media Guidelines at Work?

As the popularity of social media has exploded over the past few years, texting, tweeting and posting on Facebook have quickly replaced the age old tradition of venting at the ‘ol water cooler. In fact, easy access to social media has substantially changed the way people communicate, especially in the workplace. Now, when employees feel

2024-08-15T05:11:25+00:001 Comment

5 Things Not To Do When Recruiting on Twitter

Many businesses are turning to social recruiting as a strategy to increase the size and diversity of their applicant pool. Recruiting on Twitter is now a common tactic used by recruiters throughout the world. If you’re new to Twitter or been on it for a while and wonder what will kill your twitter recruiting strategy,

2024-08-15T03:52:13+00:007 Comments

How to Use Hashtags to Spread Your Jobs on Twitter

According to this report, 54% of companies now recruit through Twitter, although only 15% of them successfully hired through that medium. However, there is enormous opportunity for businesses to increase their Twitter hire rate. After all, Twitter is now the third most popular search engine after Google and YouTube – and its users send out

2024-08-15T03:57:53+00:002 Comments

7 Social Media Recruiting Tips from Top Experts

Are you looking for some new ideas to simplify your social media recruiting? Do you wonder how to use social media to attract, engage and hire candidates? We asked the pros for one social recruiting tip businesses need to know today. Here’s their advice to help you pump up your social media recruiting

2024-08-16T10:05:48+00:006 Comments

40 Fascinating Social Media Statistics Every Recruiter Should Know [ Part II ]

For some businesses social media recruiting has become an important part of a solid recruiting strategy. However, There are a lot of businesses who are still figuring out how social media will fit into their overall recruiting mix. This post is for everyone, even if you are already utilizing LinkedIn, Facebook and twitter for recruiting. In this

2024-07-12T10:15:57+00:002 Comments

21 Examples of Facebook Career Page Covers from Successful Brands

Successful brands seem to simply love the Facebook cover feature. And why not, cover photo is an excellent opportunity to show off your employer brand image for a distinguished appeal. On Facebook fan page your brand interacts exclusively with fans, candidates, employees and admirers. Therefore you get to promote your employer image in front of

2024-08-16T08:15:17+00:0017 Comments

Why Use YouTube for Recruitment? [ Infographic ]

A lot of companies have jumped into social recruiting feast with recruiting on facebook and twitter. But have you included YouTube in your social recruiting mix? YouTube is a highly underutilized social network when it comes to recruiting. And if you haven’t looked at YouTube as a tool for recruiting and employer brand building this

2024-08-25T07:18:26+00:009 Comments

40 Amazing Statistics Every Social Recruiter Should Know

In the last 11 months, the social media landscape has continued to evolve at a rapid pace. There have been tons of updates to social networks such as Global brand pages on Facebook, new LinkedIn company pages, Twitter cover photos and more.  Several of these updates made social media even more attractive for recruiters. If

2024-07-15T04:31:03+00:007 Comments
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