Marketing Q&A

What are some common beginner mistakes in content marketing?

Content marketing works. According to Statista, in 2017 alone, content marketing services revenue were expected to reach $32.1 billion—a $4 million jump from 2016. With so many businesses trying to leverage on everything content marketing can do for their brand, it’s important that you pay close attention to what you should and shouldn’t do. For

2024-05-11T03:05:14+00:000 Comments

10 best ways to promote your Facebook page

Social media is a great way to promote your business. And among all social media platforms, Facebook has proven to be one of the most effective ways to put your brand in the spotlight. Why? Consider these statistics: 68% of Americans use Facebook. Three-quarters of Facebook users visit the site at least once a day

2024-05-11T03:04:25+00:000 Comments

What can make content marketing successful?

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that content marketing is simple. A couple of blogs here, some social media posts there and you’re all set. Anyone who works in marketing knows it’s so much more than that. Blog writing and social media are part and parcel of the whole process, of course—but

2024-05-11T03:03:28+00:000 Comments

Why would you use a landing page?

There are numerous reasons why a business would use a landing page—to inform, to promote something, to increase sales, to communicate product or service value. To put it simply, businesses use a landing page because it’s a very effective marketing strategy.   Consider these statistics: “Businesses with over 40 landing pages generated a whopping 12 times

2024-05-10T14:20:37+00:000 Comments

What are some good ways to increase the open and click rate of a marketing newsletter?

All businesses want to maximize their marketing dollars. To that end, a lot of companies explore non-traditional methods of marketing and promotions. Among the most popular ones preferred by small to medium business? Email marketing. According to a study, for every dollar spent on email marketing, businesses can expect an average return of $38. This

2024-05-10T14:18:32+00:000 Comments

How can we generate leads through social media?

As a business owner, you’ve probably already heard of the term ‘leads.’ Brands harp a lot about finding and generating them, with the ultimate goal of converting them into actual, paying customers. The thing is, even marketers, the majority of them in fact, cite lead generation as a top marketing challenge. So, here’s an insider

2024-05-10T14:17:31+00:000 Comments

What are some great examples of content marketing?

Content is king—it has always been, and quite frankly, I think it always will be. Consumers, especially in an age where media is readily available with a click of a button in the palm of everyone’s hands, will always want new things to read, hear, see, and experience. They want material that can catch their

2024-05-10T14:16:41+00:000 Comments

What questions must you ask before hiring a content writing agency?

Content marketing budgets are on the rise this year. According to Content Marketing Institute, “57% of B2C marketers expect their content marketing budget to increase in 2019.” Image Source For a lot of you, this is an opportunity to work with a professional content writing agency. If you want time to focus on actually running

2024-05-10T14:13:46+00:000 Comments

What kinds of calls to action work the best on LinkedIn vs. Instagram?

LinkedIn and Instagram may both be social media platforms, but this is where all similarities end—and why answering your question can get a little tricky. LinkedIn was specifically designed for professionals, with a massive 575 million registered users. Yes, it’s meant to build your connections—like all social media platforms do—but it does so in the

2024-05-10T14:11:15+00:000 Comments

What makes a great content marketer?

I want to answer this question in the context of how marketing and advertising has evolved. There was once a time where all a brand or business had to do to bring attention to their product or service was to bombard potential customers with it. That doesn’t work anymore. These in-your-face tactics feel overwhelming, intrusive,

2024-05-10T14:10:30+00:000 Comments
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