2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

Top 10 Must-Read Marketing Blogs to Help Your Online Business

The great thing about doing business in the internet era? Access to information—information about conversions, content, email, SEO, blogging, social media marketing and other topics that are critical to the success of your ecommerce business. Here are some of the best, must-read marketing blogs that you should be paying attention to: 1. EConsultancy For a

2024-09-28T02:54:11+00:001 Comment

3 Essential Social Media Tips to Help Boost Your Conversions

There’s no better time to start honing your social media skills than today—an era defined by social media and short attention spans. Generally, in relation to traditional forms of media, the rules remain the same—make sure your copy is interesting and engaging, the message has to be clever and interesting. But social media is a

2024-09-26T17:34:15+00:000 Comments

5 Ways to Build Brand Loyalty For Your eCommerce Business

Loyal customers are one of the cornerstones of a profitable business. Their loyalty means they are more likely to spend more on your site, they will also visit more often to make purchases, and ultimately, it will cost significantly cheaper to market to a loyal customer. Still, only a fraction of initial sales—27 percent, to

2024-10-24T06:06:32+00:001 Comment

5 Ways You Can Personalize Your eCommerce Strategy

Brick and mortar stores have the opportunity to study their customers in person and base their approach on their observations. Things like where in the store they are heading to first, how they are dressed, what they are looking for all factor in. The boom of shopping on the internet prompts an inevitable shift to

2024-09-30T18:52:12+00:000 Comments

Your Guide to Popup Copywriting

One effective way of catching your reader's attention is by interrupting their behavior patterns. Take ecommerce sites for instance. It’s typical for users to click through your site, almost absently, as they navigate their way around it. Being a site owner however, you want to make sure something on your site captures their interest, enough

2024-10-01T01:18:57+00:000 Comments

6 Tips that eCommerce Sites Should Live By

eCommerce is a dynamic industry. Much like the digital world where it operates, it’s subject to fickle trends, advances in technology, shifting rules, and ever-changing systems. This means in order to maintain relevance, you have to keep up with all of it. Still, despite the industry’s constantly evolving nature, there are a few timeless tips

2024-11-11T16:52:16+00:000 Comments

5 Marketing Myths That You Should Definitely Avoid

There’s so much information available to us now on the subject of marketing, that it’s almost impossible to keep up. So we thought of simplifying things for you by pointing out the top 5 marketing myths that you need to avoid. Myth #1 – Effective marketing means you need to be involved in every single

2024-10-01T03:11:16+00:000 Comments

A Guideline for Creating the Perfect Social Media Post

Because of the automation tools available to marketers today, it’s easy to just go through the motions and robotically go through the different elements of your campaign—especially social media posting. Sure, using a scheduling tool does take a lot of the tedium out of the process. But there are things you can do to make

2024-10-14T19:54:37+00:000 Comments

5 Ways to Use Social Proof for Your eCommerce Site

Amazon, WordPress, MailChimp—these are just some examples of how major corporations are leveraging social proof on their site to raise conversions. And if you ever needed any demonstration of how social proof can indeed be very helpful for growing your company, all you need to do is take a look at how they’re using it.

2024-10-01T10:26:29+00:000 Comments

Top 8 Free Tools to Give Your eCommerce Site a Boost

Admit it…when it comes to managing your ecommerce business, any help is appreciated. The goal, after all, is to ensure that you’re running your online store as efficiently as possible so you can grow your business.   Fortunately, there are a lot of great tools at your disposal. But given the volume of resources you

2024-10-01T10:37:17+00:000 Comments
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