2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

How To Utilize Facebook Graph Search For Recruiting

What Is Facebook Graph Search and How Does It Work? With the introduction of Graph Search, Facebook has revolutionized the search feature of the mammoth social networking site. Facebook Graph Search allows users to streamline and fine-tune their searches whether they’re looking for people, photos, events, interests, personal information, or basic fusions of these. If

2024-08-11T17:50:05+00:004 Comments

5 Reasons Every Recruiter Should Consider Facebook Advertising

With the advancement of technology and social media, companies are presented with whole new mediums to conduct business. Social Media has given us the opportunity to connect with so many people. One particular Social phenomenon that you shouldn’t overlook for your recruitment efforts is Facebook. Facebook recruitment is potentially the new wave of the future

2024-08-12T18:25:37+00:000 Comments

6 Secrets To Crafting A Standout Job Description

If you’re looking to expand your company, then good for you. That means you’re taking strides in growth as an organization. However, you must realize that there is a constantly rising demand from companies for quality talent in expansion ventures. Most of the time, company hiring ads and recruitment schemes often get lost amongst all

2024-08-13T03:03:43+00:004 Comments

8 Great Recruiting Video Examples and What We Can Learn From Them

When you want to attract the best and brightest minds to work for your organization, it’s not enough that you establish a company presence on various hiring and recruitment channels. It is also important that you build a desirable and pragmatic perception in the eyes of your potential recruits and employees. In today’s world, traditional

2024-08-13T03:34:58+00:002 Comments

13 Ways Facebook Recruiting Will Benefit Your Company

As what we continuously repeat here on our HireRabbit blog, the use of social media in business ventures is a very special opportunity that every company, whether big or small, should take advantage of. Oftentimes, when dealing with recruitment responsibilities, the use of social media can prove to be both an efficient and effective measure.

2024-08-13T03:45:06+00:000 Comments

12 Ways To Promote Your Facebook Career Site Tab On A Budget

You’ve just created a career site on Facebook in your company’s pursuit for the best and brightest minds. How exactly do you attract these minds? Well, first you have to make sure that your career site tab doesn’t get caught up among all the other custom apps you have on your page. Sometimes, promoting your

2024-08-13T03:56:17+00:002 Comments

17 Creative Recruitment Ads That Will Bring A Smile To Your Face

In the world of business, it is no secret that the spirit of competition is a vital principle. When it comes to recruitment, you will want to attract the best and the brightest people to serve as the foundations and grassroots of your company. Your people will be your company’s greatest resource. However, what can

2024-07-10T18:16:16+00:0014 Comments

17 Insightful Quotes for Recruiters & HR Professionals

Whether your company produces cars or cosmetics, hiring great people for a business is always the most important task.  After all a company is only as good as the people it keeps, and as a Recruiting & HR professional you have this responsibility on your shoulders. With that in mind here are 17 insightful hiring

2024-07-11T16:51:00+00:0013 Comments

3 Benefits of Scheduling Facebook Page Posts & How to Do It

“I learned that we can do anything, but we can’t do everything… at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.” -Dan Millman This quote holds true when it comes to managing your Facebook fan page content. If

2024-08-14T06:47:20+00:004 Comments

Why Your Business Needs Mobile Recruiting Edge [ Infographic ]

Today the use of mobile dominates our everyday lives. With a greater mobile penetration and increased adoption, It only makes sense to make your job application process mobile friendly. Mobile job sites can generate more traffic, increase application rates and can give you an edge over the competition. In this infographic we’ll tell you how a

2024-08-14T07:01:27+00:006 Comments
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