About Jessica Simmons

Jessica manages content at LeadsPanda. When she is not improving content, Jessica enjoys spending time with family, friends and hiking with her dogs.

Are You Aware of These Top Social Media Marketing Mistakes?

As of this year, there are 4.62 billion people worldwide who now use social media. You’re likely one of them, and probably also using it for personal reasons.  To that end, when it comes to using social media for business, you might make the common mistake of thinking you know exactly how to go about

2024-03-11T12:20:25+00:006 Comments

The Evolution of Content Marketing

In the strictest sense, content marketing isn’t new.  As early as 1895, John Deere started producing a magazine for farmers. In 1902, famed brand Jell-O started publishing recipe booklets that showed how you could use the product in new and creative ways.  While these ventures were never referred to as content marketing, the spirit of

2024-03-11T12:24:14+00:002 Comments

5 Types of Content That Should Be Part of Your Content Marketing Arsenal

When it comes to content marketing, it’s so easy to settle into simple formats that you are familiar with and easy to make. Blogs, for example, are a standard in any content marketing strategy. However, focusing solely on just blog posts means you’re missing out on other content marketing types that could engage your audience

2024-03-13T05:57:31+00:000 Comments

5 Techniques for Finding Your Target Audience  

Why do marketers make a big effort to create targeted, personalized buying experiences for their audience?  Because at the end of the day, the buying process is in the hands of your customer. The better understanding a business has of what their customer wants and needs, the better chance they have to grab their  target

2024-03-11T12:27:24+00:003 Comments

Top 6 Content Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

We’re all about creating content and every blog in this niche is about sharing tips and tricks to make the content you produce successful.  What doesn’t get enough attention, though, are the common content marketing mistakes that marketers make as they implement their strategies. As much as you’d like to focus on the great ways

2024-03-11T12:30:26+00:000 Comments

7 Actionable Ways to Improve Your Content Strategy

It takes a lot to create high-quality content. It’s even likely that you’ve already implemented some strategies. To ensure consistency in your output, however, it’s good to look at easy and actionable ways you can improve your overall content strategy approach.  Here’s how you can take your content to the next level:  1. Remember to

2024-03-13T05:52:02+00:001 Comment

Here’s How You Can Use Time Tracking for Performance Assessment and Reviews

You know how they say, “you can’t improve what you can’t measure?” It’s a cliché for a reason—because it’s true. It would be so much easier to simply wing it when it comes to figuring out whether or not your team members are doing well in the office. However, it wouldn’t be very effective. Without

2024-08-19T10:45:00+00:002 Comments

Content Marketing Tips That Should Guide Your eCommerce Strategy

Before the world realized that the Internet could be used as a tool for advertising, it was all just about content. Traffic to any website was driven by content. This still holds true until today—you just have to contend with a lot of clutter. And this ultimately means that content is even more relevant than

2024-03-13T06:11:53+00:001 Comment

5 Examples of Recruitment Videos Done Right

  In 2007, popular fitness chain Life Time Fitness was having a hard time recruiting for key vacancies. That’s when they turned to using recruitment videos to fill in these positions. The results were positive. They got 30% more applications and a 110% increase in the number of candidates who passed the pre-screening process. “We’ve

2024-07-15T05:47:19+00:001 Comment

5 Ways to Effectively Engage Customers

If you run an e-commerce business then you might have noticed that your audience’s short attention spans have probably incurred a significant amount of business expense for your company. Today, the average internet user is connected to at least one social media network that sends constant updates about friends and family from all over the

2024-03-15T06:01:31+00:001 Comment
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