2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)


3 Essential Social Media Tips to Help Boost Your Conversions

There’s no better time to start honing your social media skills than today—an era defined by social media and short attention spans.

Generally, in relation to traditional forms of media, the rules remain the same—make sure your copy is interesting and engaging,

5 Perks You Can Use to Incentivize Your Employees

Salaries are not the only thing that’s important for an average employee – things like free gourmet food, napping pods and office salons are equally essential to retaining staff, too.

Given today’s talent crunch, companies have to elevate their benefits and incentives in order to attract the best candidates.


5 Tips On How To Make You A Recruitment Farmer (Not Hunter!)

Not every successful recruiter started their job as a headhunter. Some were accountants, engineers, store managers, sales representative, etc., before they started recruiting.

Staffing firms say their top performing recruiters happen to be industry experts in very specific areas. Their prior experience in these areas allowed them to develop

5 Ways to Build Brand Loyalty For Your eCommerce Business

Loyal customers are one of the cornerstones of a profitable business. Their loyalty means they are more likely to spend more on your site, they will also visit more often to make purchases, and ultimately, it will cost significantly cheaper to market to a loyal

5 Ways You Can Personalize Your eCommerce Strategy

Brick and mortar stores have the opportunity to study their customers in person and base their approach on their observations. Things like where in the store they are heading to first, how they are dressed, what they are looking for all factor in.

The boom of shopping on the internet prompts an inevitable

4 Things Your Candidates Wish They Could Tell You (But Can’t)

Candidate feedback is an important element to improving the hiring process of any company. It gives insight on which parts are working and which ones need improvement.

The truth is, applicants have a lot to say about a company’s hiring process, especially

Why Blogging Is Important For Your Higher Education Institute (And 3 Tips To Get Started)

The impact of content marketing for businesses is enormous. Yet there remains a sizeable gap between higher education institutions who make use of blogging to supplement their marketing efforts versus those who don’t.

Among institutions who said that they didn’t have a blog,

4 Ways To Test If Your Candidate Is Emotionally Intelligent

It’s easy to spot a good candidate – just take a look at their skills and professional experience. Now, to find a great candidate, that is another story.

Finding top talent is a bit more complicated than perusing through a CV, because the best employees

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