2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)


Top Trends in B2B Marketing: Micro-Targeting

It’s been defined as “getting to know your audience”, “better understanding your target”, among other things. No matter what you call it, micro-targeting as a growing trend has been generating attention lately in B2B marketing circles.

Broadly defined, micro-targeting basically means getting rid of your “one-to-many playbook” in order to

B2B e-Commerce Growth Over the Next Five Years

The B2B industry, marked by its exchange of products, sharing of information, and providing of services between businesses, is projected to get bigger. Recent news and research has delivered some promising figures for the B2B e-commerce world, and it brings high profit predictions along with some necessary adjustments for marketers.

B2B e-commerce

Professional Whitepapers Still Matter In B2B Marketing

Technology has replaced much of how businesses communicate, track leads, and close sales. Information is instant, accessible, and almost entirely digital. No more cold calling or annoying unsolicited mail; when B2B buyers are gathering information for a product, they should have everything they need with the click of a keyboard (which is

How to Drive ROI With B2B Content Marketing

In an industry filled with the challenges of long sales cycles, multiple decision-makers at the helm, and an extended closing process, the B2B industry is both unique and demanding. Included in these demands is the measurement of your company’s ROI, or return on investment.

As the ROI Guy tells us, a B2B content

B2B Content Development: In-House, Outsource, and A Little Bit of Dr. Seuss

In their 2014 B2B statistics report, the Content Marketing Institute found that among B2B companies, 56 percent created exclusively in-house content. 1 percent used only outsourced content. 43 percent of B2B companies utilized both in-house and outsourced resources for creating content.

As B2B companies strive to stay relevant in 2015,

Writing for the Web: What B2B Marketers Should Know

Advanced technology and the rise in popularity of social media has opened the door for B2B writers like never before. We are provided with what seems like limitless amounts of opportunity for research, information sharing, and content distribution when writing for the web. This has provided B2B marketers with a virtual megaphone

Brand Message: From the Playground to the B2B Market

In a new report released just a few weeks ago, Forrester Research Inc. says 74% of business-to-business buyers are researching half or more purchases online before deciding to buy. How does this make room for B2B companies to present a unified brand message? The solution, says Forrester, is using

How Not Having a B2B Blog is Like Cake Without Icing

As 2015 continues to march on, B2B companies continue in their search for innovative methods to promote their business through content marketing and connect with potential and current customers. We hear all the time how important content writing is to the process of B2B marketing; advanced technology allows content to continue to

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