2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

2X Your Blog Conversions
in 30 Minutes

Free cheat sheet, recommended tools & video that will transform
your content marketing (using the new R.E.S.U.L.T.S. method)

How to Build Brand Awareness and Authority to Attract Potential Customers

A big part of your brand’s success is rooted in whether your customers recognize your brand and can differentiate it from your competition.  Staying top-of-mind among your customers is not an easy task, however—especially in an era where online buzz is easy to start and information is so easy to disseminate. So, how can you

2024-03-11T11:52:38+00:001 Comment

Are You Maximizing Your Visual Content Marketing Potential?

Through the years, you have probably seen how visuals can truly complement your overall marketing strategy. They have become a valuable tool for content marketers whether you’re running a small startup or a well-established blue chip organization.  That said, how well are you using all the available visual content marketing assets that you have at

2024-03-11T11:56:27+00:002 Comments

5 Tips for Finding Places to Guest Post

For those who need a link building strategy that will hold up over time, turn your attention to guest posting. A guest post can withstand the various algorithm changes that Google implements through the years and has remained an effective way to boost your search visibility and online credibility.  But many businesses interested in guest

2024-03-11T11:58:57+00:002 Comments

5 Essential Content Marketing Hacks to Boost Productivity

If content marketing is a big part of your overall marketing arsenal, then you know how powerful it is.   Through content marketing, you can drive awareness, inform, generate leads, build trust, and boost traffic for your brand or business. Like any marketing technique, if you make sure it’s backed by a solid strategy, you will

2024-03-11T12:03:48+00:000 Comments

Here’s How You Can Use Time Tracking for Performance Assessment and Reviews

You know how they say, “you can’t improve what you can’t measure?” It’s a cliché for a reason—because it’s true. It would be so much easier to simply wing it when it comes to figuring out whether or not your team members are doing well in the office. However, it wouldn’t be very effective. Without

2024-08-19T10:45:00+00:002 Comments

Content Marketing Tips That Should Guide Your eCommerce Strategy

Before the world realized that the Internet could be used as a tool for advertising, it was all just about content. Traffic to any website was driven by content. This still holds true until today—you just have to contend with a lot of clutter. And this ultimately means that content is even more relevant than

2024-03-13T06:11:53+00:001 Comment

5 Examples of Recruitment Videos Done Right

  In 2007, popular fitness chain Life Time Fitness was having a hard time recruiting for key vacancies. That’s when they turned to using recruitment videos to fill in these positions. The results were positive. They got 30% more applications and a 110% increase in the number of candidates who passed the pre-screening process. “We’ve

2024-07-15T05:47:19+00:001 Comment

5 Ways to Effectively Engage Customers

If you run an e-commerce business then you might have noticed that your audience’s short attention spans have probably incurred a significant amount of business expense for your company. Today, the average internet user is connected to at least one social media network that sends constant updates about friends and family from all over the

2024-03-15T06:01:31+00:001 Comment

5 Tips to Create the Perfect Thank You Page

When you create a successful landing page and it actually gets visitors to sign up, does it mean that you’ve already taken full advantage of this conversion? Not necessarily. There’s another critical step that, if done well, can help you engage audiences further and even usher them through the different sections of your website—your thank

2024-10-07T06:51:41+00:000 Comments
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